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11 Surprising Contraception Mistakes You Are Making

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Every time I sit in the middle of married women I hear this famous sentence “It was an accident.” I remember the first time I heard these words, I really freaked out and didn’t hesitate to ask the woman ‘’are you okay?’’ The woman responded laughing “I’m fine, it’s just that I’m pregnant’’. For god sake, give me a break!

It sounds funny though, but there is nothing called accident in the bedroom. The problem that many ladies out there encounter is that they aren’t aware of the effective ways and methods and how they can properly use them to control birth.

I understand that with so many different forms and methods out there, things got complicated and you don’t know what you should and shouldn’t do.

11 Surprising Contraception Mistakes You Are Making©

To help you avoid such mistakes, here some common birth control mistakes you think are absolutely correct but really aren’t


#1 – Taking time off

Taking time off Doctissimo

If you would just stop listening to the myths and ask your doctor instead, you’d have saved yourself a big trouble, am I wrong?

In every surrounding you will find those family members and well-meaning strangers who are misters and misses know-it-all. And because you lack a sexual education, you tend to believe the rumors told to you about sex and contraception.

A good example is that taking time off from the hormonal birth control that you have been using for quite a long time is a bad idea and bad for your health. This is not true, as no method is bad or harmful to stay on for a long period of time. In contrary, it may protect you from diseases like anemia, fibroids, certain types of cancer, endometriosis, and even more.

So, whether you’re stopping it to have babies or just because you need some rest, go ahead and take it. Give yourself a break and don’t stress so much about it, says Dr. Katharine O’Connell White who is the director of the Fellowship in Family Planning at Boston University.


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