
11 Healthy Weight Loss Tips For People Over 40!

Last Updated on January 3, 2021

9. Who Said You Can’t Exercise?

Just because you’re over 40, that doesn’t mean you should give up on the physical activity, especially if you work a desk job or have a sedentary lifestyle. You might not have the same energy as you had a few years ago, but you should still find some strength to at least go for a walk every day for 20 minutes. This will help not only your heart and lungs’ health, but it will also improve your mobility, so when you get older, you won’t be stuck in a wheelchair.

10. Learn About Your Calorie Intake

During your fitness journey, or just by reading this article, you probably already asked yourself: how many calories to eat to lose weight? The answer is not hard to find, but it’s also not an exact one. You see, the number of calories depends on a lot of factors, like your age, height, current weight, lifestyle, and gender. There are many websites out there that can help you find your number and a lot of apps that you can track how many calories you’re eating. Fitness pal is one of the most known apps for that. You simply have to pick what you would like to do: lose weight, maintain or gain weight. And then, they’ll present to you how many calories you should consume per day to lose your desired amount of weight!

11. Get To Know Other People

One of the best weight loss tips out there is to find people that share the same goal as you. It always helps to have someone that shares your struggles, pain, and desires. It might be your neighbor or a group of people on social media. Finding a group of people that will encourage you on your weight loss journey is key to success. You shouldn’t be obsessively tracking your calories or preventing yourself from eating one icecream during the entire summer. Stress and anxiety can make it harder for you to lose weight. Being happy and relaxed throughout your journey is key for a healthy body and mind. If you don’t enjoy going to the gym, go for a walk. If you get anxious often, try meditation or yoga. And if you don’t see the results right away, don’t give up just yet! Remember that everything takes time. And it’s your patience and strength that will determine if you lose weight or not.


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