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10 Foods To Fight Aging, And Let You Seem Much Younger

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Pomegranates are a fruit rich in antioxidant compounds. Especially Vitamin C, which is superbly effective against deep face wrinkles, dim lines and dehydration. Equivalent to free radicals that adversely affect the health of the skin and freshness ratio.

A reasearch by “Journal of Clinical Nutrition” has approved that Vitamin C has a great effectiveness against wrinkles. Moreover, this fruit contains anthocyanine, which produces Collagen in the skin and fights off inflammations that may occur due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

#4 – Blueberries


One of the strong elemental antioxidant compounds, rich in Vitamin C and E, both useful for making the skin glow, they operate under sunshine and they help fight off the negative effects of free radicals.

#5 – Lobsters


Lobsters are needless in zinc, which contains skin anti-inflammation substances, and damages that may follow, including acne, Not to mention that zinc help cells regenerate faster, which is way we find it present in most of medicals and prescriptions addressing acne.

#6 – Broccoli


Known for its efficiency in helping blood circle smoothly around the body, it also prevents blood leakage inside the capillaries of the eye area, which could result in the appearance of black cases. Broccoli is also rich in iron, the latter’s absence makes the skin pale and facilitates the emergence of blood vessels visual from atop the skin.

#7 – Eggs


It is know that Protein helps grow nails, and it’s shortage makes the nails grow weak. Eggs are also rich in Biotin, or Vitamin B, which is responsible for the metabolism of amino acids that make up the protein molecules.

#8 – Walnuts


Nuts are rich in Omega3, and vitamin E, they both work n revitalising the damaged cells, and are both essential to preserve the skin and keep it smooth and wrinkle-free.


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