
This is Why You Should Start Filtering Water before Drinking

Image by Bruno Henrique from Pixabay

Last Updated on December 26, 2020

To filter or not to filter tap water before drinking it?  Tap water can contain harmful and potentially hazardous substances to your health. This may be due to an improper treatment process, improper storage, or rust and copper drains that end up contaminating the purity of the water. When it comes to one’s health, avoiding all risks is the wisest option. So let’s dig deeper into the subject and find out more about the 7 reasons why you should filter water before drinking.

7. Offers a Better Taste… And Smell Too!

Filtered water is considered to be the very best way to stay hydrated. You can boil, distill, add carbon, chlorine or use the reverse osmosis process to filter tap water properly. This way, you will be able to get rid of chlorine and other harmful chemicals found in running water from the local water company. This also means you will be able to obtain fresher, tastier, and more fragrant water, which can help you prevent various types of cancerous diseases, namely rectal cancer and colon cancer.

6. Helps Prevent Birth Defects

Did you know that the medical community advises that everyone drinks filtered water, especially pregnant women? This is because the toxins and chemicals normally found in tap water might lead to birth defects or other deficiencies that can be revealed later in the child’s development. Keep in mind that mothers can also suffer from various health problems during and after pregnancy, as their immune system is weakened and unable to prevent any viral and bacterial attacks.

5. Helps in Promoting the Healthy Growth of Children

Filtered water also promotes healthy growth in children since it helps prevent the entry of innumerable harmful toxins to the body. Children are constantly developing and, as such, the concern must be greater because these toxins can lead to growth irregularities and the malfunction of the main internal organs. To prevent this from happening, explain to your children that they should drink clean, contaminant-free water every day. And make sure to start using a filtration system for your water.


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