Last Updated on February 14, 2020
Everyone has had cracked heels before – and it is actually something we tend to ignore; after all, how bad can it be to have a little bit of dry skin? The first thought is to assume that the cause behind it is dehydration or lack of moisture, and that can be true, but sometimes the reasons behind dry cracked feet can be a little bit more serious. Because information is everything, we bring you a list of 6 things that can be the reason behind your dry skin, and we add six ways to deal with it. Read below to find out how to get rid of cracked heels.
1. You Are A Bit Too Heavy
We often overlook the fact that our feet are responsible for carrying the weight of our entire bodies, and because we ignore that fact, we tend to end up neglecting the health of our feet. If you put on a little bit of extra weight, the pressure on the fat pads under your heels will increase, and in order to be able to support more weight, the heels start expanding to the sides. If your skin is not properly moisturized, you will end up getting cracks and, of course, heel pain.
What can you do about it?
You have plenty of websites that will help you calculate your ideal weight, and after you figure out how much you should weigh in order to be healthy, you should do your best to keep it in the normal range. Also, if you notice any possible signs of diabetes, be sure to check your blood sugar level regularly – diabetic people also have a tendency to have cracked heels.
2. Vitamin Deficiency
If you want your skin to function properly, you will have to make sure that you are ingesting the right vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. Vitamin A, vitamin B3, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin E and vitamin C are all important to maintaining healthy skin. If you are not ingesting the proper amount, your skin will become dry and thick, making it more prone to cracking.
What Can You Do About It?
If this is the case for you, a change in diet might just do the trick. Be sure to include various foods that are rich in the pre-mentioned vitamins and minerals, and your skin and general health will thank you.
3. Uncomfortable Shoes
Like we mentioned before, there is a huge tendency to overlook the health of our feet, and sometimes we put vanity over comfort. Because our feet support our weight, we should always choose comfortable shoes. Plus, if you are one of those people who enjoys open-back shoes, like flip-flops, you should be aware that they let the fat under your heel expand sideways, which will increase the chances of your heels cracking.
What Can You Do About It?
You should always opt for shoes that give you the support you need – check to see if the soles are thick and comfortable and buy shoes that fit your walking or standing needs. Plus, you should, at least once, visit a podiatrist and make sure you are wearing the right size of shoes. Either way, keep your feet moist.
4. Menopause Is Starting
Menopause can be quite a complicated period in some women’s lives – it is a period of change for the mind and for the body. Some women can experience something called acquired keratoderma, a condition in which the skin of the heels may crack, but this will also extend to other parts of the body as well.
What Can You Do?
In this particular case, the best way to get rid of the cracks on your heels would be to apply estrogen ointments topically – but this is something you should see with your doctor beforehand.
5. Standing For Long Periods Of Time
If you have a job that forces you to stand for long periods of time, this will translate into additional pressure being put on your heels, which will end up stressing the skin in this area. It can get even worse if you are standing on hard or wooden floors.
What Can You Do?
How to fix it:
If you have the chance, try to avoid standing up for long periods of time. If that is impossible, you can always try to do some exercises that will help you redistribute the pressure from your heels every now and then.
6. Having The Wrong Shower Routine
We know that taking showers can be pretty relaxing, but being underwater for too long is not a good idea if you are trying to avoid cracks on your feet. The water will take away the natural oils produced by the skin, which will leave it feeling rough and dry. Plus, you should know that harsh soaps and detergents can also do damage to the natural skin barrier, making it more prone to dryness.
What Can You Do?
Try to limit the time you are showering to a maximum of ten minutes, and use warm water instead of scalding water in order to avoid moisture loss. After you are done, wipe your feet with a towel and apply a thick layer of moisturizer.
And as a bonus, here is a foot soak that will do wonders to your heels:
This can sound a little bit odd, but a Listerine foot soak will help you get rid of the dead skin on your heels in no time. The antiseptic properties of Listerine will also help soothe your skin all thanks to the phytochemicals it contains.
What do you need for this detox foot bath?
1 cup of Listerine
1 cup of white vinegar
2 cups of water
How to do it:
Mix the three ingredients in a basin;
Place your feet in this mixture and let them soak in it for about 15 minutes
Take a pumice stone and gently scrub your heels;
Rinse your feet using warm water and then use a towel to dry them off;
After you are done, do not forget to apply a moisturizer foot cream.
Do you suffer or have suffered from cracked heels? What are the best fixes for cracked heels on your playbook? Let us know in the comments!