
9 Symptoms Of Thyroid Problems To Watch For

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Let’s admit it! Most of the time, we tend to neglect the changes occurring in our bodies trying to convince ourselves that it’s just cold, allergies, or age!

While this can be sometimes true, these seemingly innocent problems might also indicate bigger hidden issues. Hence, it is extremely important to pay attention to the signs and messages that your body sends you!

The thyroid is a tiny gland in our throat that is responsible for the production of the Thyroid hormone. The latter controls the way the body develops and works. However, when it suddenly gets out of whack, it either becomes overactive and productive or the contrary!

#1 – Your Skin Becomes Thin Or Rough To Touch

Your Skin Becomes Thin Or Rough To Touch
© Pain Resource

Thyroid issues can affect the quality of your skin! According to Dr. Harrell, one of the thyroid’s responsibilities is to control the rate at which you tend to shed your skin. For instance, the skin sheds faster resulting in smoother but thinner skin in case of those with Hyperthyroidism while it becomes rougher in case of those with Hypothyroidism.

Other skin issues that can occur due to hyperthyroidism are a remarkable increase of redness in the face and hands along with feeling too much warmth and moist in the skin. As for people with hypothyroidism may experience having a pale and cold skin. Also, they might also notice that wounds are taking too long to heal.

#2 – You Have Lost Too Much Weight Or Gained A Little

You Have Lost Too Much Weight Or Gained A Little
© Daily Burn

When your thyroid becomes overactive and productive it can lead you to lose a large amount of weight in a very short period of time. Say, your appetite might be good but you will continue to lose weight and that’s because hyperthyroidism increases your metabolism.

Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, does exactly the opposite and cause your metabolism to slow and become sluggish, which eventually, result in weight gain. However, this doesn’t mean you will gain too much weight as the average weight caused by hypothyroidism is less than five pounds, said Dr. Harrell.

#3 – You always feel too hot or too cold

You always feel too hot or too cold
© ThinkStock

According to Dr.Harrell, people with hyperthyroidism are more likely to wake up in the middle of the night sweating and that’s due to the higher metabolic rate, say, the increased energy burn with rapid heartbeats.

However, people can also feel totally the opposite and freeze of cold due to the sluggish metabolic rate they experience as a result of hypothyroidism.

#4 – Your Emotions Are A Mess!

Your Emotions Are A Mess
© doctorportal

Thyroid issues can greatly affect your emotions and make you struggle quite a lot! For instance, an overactive thyroid according to Dr. Harrel is found to be more associated with feelings of anxiety, hyper-emotionality, and even psychosis.

While an underactive thyroid can cause a feeling of depression as well as some cognitive issues such as forgetfulness or a noticeable decrease in motor skills.

#5 – Your Energy is Zapped

Your Energy is Zapped
© Igennus Healthcare Nutrition

Whether you have hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, you will in both cases notice a serious energy issue. You will more likely experience energy crashes during the day, feel unable to do your daily activities properly, and You will appreciate your sofa and Netflix more!

It’s also good to mention that people with hyperthyroidism witness a sudden increase in their heart rate and eventually become lazy and tired, especially in the bedroom. This means that their natural drive for making love becomes too weak as all they want to do is sleep and have some rest.

#6 – Your Digestion Becomes A Mess

Your Digestion Becomes A Mess
© Mirror

Surprised? Don’t be! Thyroid issues are found to be linked with digestion issues and complication. Hence, people with hyperthyroidism are more likely to go to the restroom many times a day and that’s because hyperthyroidism speeds everything including their bowel movements. On the flip, people with hypothyroidism suffer from constipation.

#7 – Your Menstrual Cycle Is Screwed

Your Menstrual Cycle Is Screwed
© Be Healthy Today

According to Dr. Harrell, menstruation inconsistency is one of the first warning signs that indicate a hormone issue! In fact, Harrell explains that the first question that a doctor might ask a patient when it comes to thyroid issue is whether their period has been disturbed in any way or the other.

So, if everything was okay, including the flow and the frequency of the period, then, everything is right with the world but if not, then, this is a big sign that something is actually going wrong with one’s body!

#8 – You have lost some hair

You have lost some hair
© HuffPost

Hair loss is again one of the subtle signs of thyroid issues that shouldn’t be ignored! Dr. Harrell said that people with hyperthyroidism are more likely to experience hair loss on the scalp and body while hypothyroidism can cause the outer edges of the eyebrows to fall. Hence, if you notice any of these signs, immediately seek the help of your doctor!

#9 – Your eyes are bugged And Puffed out

Your eyes are bugged And Puffed out
© All About Vision

A type of hyperthyroidism can cause your eyes to bug out and make them appear open in a wide-eyed stare. This is one of the alarming signs that you should never ignore! In fact, this condition occurs due to the build-up of tissue behind the eyes, which eventually make the peepers look puffed out!

Hence, the sooner you notice something like this, take a trip to your doctor’s office and see what can be done to treat the issue before it aggravates!


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