
7 Surprising Health Benefits of Farting You Need to Know

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Farting is often either funny or shameful, while in fact, it’s healthy.

Well, it’s not the most elegant way to assess or enhance your health, however, it can indicate that your digestive system is well-functioning and that you have a balanced level of gut bacteria.

If you’ve ever been shamed or made fun of by somebody else for passing gas, just tell them about the health benefits of flatulence.

7 Surprising Health Benefits of Farting You Need to Know©
Check out these 7 unexpected health benefits
of passing gas you need to know


1- Reduces Bloating

Reduces Bloating© davidwolfe

Bloating can have various causes, including the consumption of some foods (bubblegum, beans…) and bubbly drinks, an excessive water intake, overeating, smoking, or other allergies and conditions.

It is generally a sign that food is not being digested properly by the body, which leads to a build-up of gas in your gut.

So when you fart, the gas is released as a natural process to make you more comfortable and keep your digestive system healthy.

2- Helps to Balance Your Diet

Helps to Balance Your Diet© delitefulmeals

Your farts can actually help you determine whether you have a balanced diet or not.

Your body reacts to different foods in different ways. For example, when you eat plenty of red meat, your farts would be stinkier. And when you eat plenty of carbs, you would pass wind more often but with a more neutral smell.

It’s your body’s way of telling you that it’s time to change or enhance your diet.

3- Relieves Abdominal Pain

Relieves Abdominal Pain© hswstatic

Holding your farts doesn’t only increase stomachaches but can also lead to abdominal pain, also called intestinal distension.

Eventually, letting your gas free will help relieve abdominal pain, which has a similar effect to tenderly massaging your stomach to make the gas move out of your digestive system.

So, just let it out.


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