
7 Signs You Have A Leaky Gut and How To Treat It

Last Updated on January 21, 2021

2. Presenting Unbalanced Hormonal Indices

When your intestines are not working properly, and you have leaks of toxins, bacteria, and fungi, among other poorly processed foods into the bloodstream, your hormonal balance is immediately compromised. This is because the intestinal microbiome fails to properly regulate the levels of estrogen in the body, and you are left with your hormonal system completely altered. This type of condition has a great impact on people who have menstrual difficulties or who have Endometriosis or Uterine Adenomyosis.

3. Developing Autoimmune Diseases

When there are leaks in the intestinal mucous barrier, it is natural for your immune system to feel pressured to recognize all foreign substances that have entered the body (bacteria, viruses, parasites, and even transplanted organs and tissues, among others). It is only afterward that it can go on to defend the body – in the so-called autoimmune reaction. This can result in inflammation and tissue damage, which can lead to the development of autoimmune diseases.

4. Feeling Tired or Suffering From Fibromyalgia

Muscle pain on the part of fibromyalgia sufferers and widespread chronic fatigue can be a reflection of damage to the walls of the intestinal mucosa and a very important symptom of those who have a leaky gut. Thus, it is natural that you feel unwell, irritated, with little desire to leave the house and see other people, as it is very likely that you have neither enthusiasm nor the ability to carry out your most basic daily tasks.

5. Dull Skin

When your gut health is compromised, it negatively affects your skin’s beauty and radiance. It is natural for you to have greasy skin, with more acne and without that radiant glow, which makes you look older, heavier, and exhausted. Just as it is also possible for you to develop rosacea, eczema, and other skin problems magnified by inflammation of the digestive tract. You should make a leaky gut treatment suitable for your skin to always look good.

6. Developing Food Allergies and Sensitivities

The development of allergies and food sensitivities is one of the most obvious aspects that indicate that you may have a more permeable intestinal mucous barrier. And this is noticeable when you become more bloated and sick after eating certain foods such as gluten-free products (this is the main leaky gut food to avoid), lactose, or other processed foods that lead to food intolerance. There are certain foods to avoid with leaky gut, such as wheat products, processed meats, baked goods, snacks, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, dairy products, and all kinds of junk food. All of these foods can hinder the formation of healthy intestinal bacteria, and that is why they should be eliminated from your diet.


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