
10 Warning Signs Your Body is Loaded with Toxic Heavy Metals

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Also, magnesium is replaced by aluminum, which promotes neurochemical alterations and has been considered as a contributing factor to developing Alzheimer’s disease.

#8 – Constipation


Besides other systems, heavy metal toxicity can negatively affect your digestive system as well, leading to regular constipation, diarrhea, and an upset stomach. Moreover, it can also result in digestive distress and a decreased ability to properly use and assimilate fats. You should be aware that vaccinations that inject aluminum or mercury directly into your bloodstream are very risky and should better be avoided.

#9 – Night Sweats

Night Sweats

The human body often tries to eliminate toxins through many ways, and sweat is one of them. Excessive sweating or night sweats could be symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. Generally, they’re always a way through which your body tells you that there’s something wrong going on. So, listen to your body, watch out for early signs, and try to stay away from suspicious environments. Better safe than sorry.

#10 – Muscle & Joint Pain

Muscle & Joint Pain

Exposure to toxic heavy metals can cause pain in the body over the long term. Muscle and joint pain, as well as weakness, could be signs of heavy metals poisoning. People with chronic conditions or weakened immunity can be more likely to develop heavy metal toxicity because they’re not able to handle and eliminate these toxins as efficiently as a healthier person. In many cases, signs of heavy metal toxicity are misdiagnosed as chronic health problems such as depression, autism, chronic fatigue, or multiple sclerosis.

3 Foods that Will Help You Combat Heavy
Metal Poisoning

10 Warning Signs Your Body is Loaded with Toxic Heavy Metals

Cilantro. This herb has the ability to get attached to toxic heavy metals in your body and get rid of them via normal digestion, which makes it a natural and effective remedy for heavy metal toxicity.

Chlorella. This green alga has powerful antioxidant properties that help combat heavy metal poisoning, particularly in the intestines. You can include into your diet as a supplement to help eliminate heavy metals.

Parsley. This is a natural antioxidant with the power to search for and trap free radicals, which damage the healthy cells. Parsley can extract heavy metals from your body to prevent further damage.


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