
10 Tips You Should Follow To Have A Fresh Breath!

Last Updated on April 20, 2020

Oral hygiene is one of the most important things that you must take care of in your life because if you don’t do it correctly, you run serious risks of coming to suffer from various problems and quite uncomfortable situations.

One of them – and, perhaps, one of the most embarrassing is bad breath.
So that you don’t have to go through this and that you always have fresh breath and a healthy smile, we have prepared a list of 10 tips you should follow to have a fresh breath.

1. Brush Your Teeth: How Many Times a Day?

How to get rid of bad breath? Brushing your teeth is one of the golden rules that you must follow to always have fresh breath and exemplary oral health. And that is something that is not negotiable. The only question is whether you should brush your teeth two, three, or four times a day.

Some people say that it is necessary to brush your teeth at the end of the main meals, i.e., at the end of lunch and dinner. While others recommend that, in addition to washing at the end of your main meals, you should brush your teeth at the end of breakfast and before going to bed.

Therefore, preferably, you should brush your teeth as many times as possible for two minutes to eliminate all plaque and food residues. Also, keep in mind that the best toothpaste for bad breath is the one with fluoride, as it makes your mouth always clean and fresh.

2. Floss at the End of Each Meal

The use of dental floss at the end of each meal and before each brushing is the perfect ally to reach spaces where the toothbrush does not reach, such as the space between the teeth and the gums. This is the best way for you to avoid the accumulation of food residues that form plaque.

If it is not possible to floss before each brushing, it is necessary to do so when washing your teeth before bedtime. Otherwise, food residues will corrode the tooth enamel overnight.

3. Use a Strong, Refreshing Mouthpiece Elixir

How to cure bad breath fast? The best way to do this is to use a refreshing and robust mouthwash like those with mint or fluorine. However, please note that this does not dispense with brushing your teeth.

On the contrary, the mouthpiece elixir must be part of the habit of brushing your teeth – it is, at the bottom, a complement and extra protection of oral hygiene.

You can also rinse your mouth with other natural remedies for bad breath like a mixture of water with a few drops of peppermint oil or even black or green tea to eliminate the bacteria that cause unpleasant smells.

4. Don’t Forget To Wash Your Tongue!

Brushing your teeth and forgetting to wash your tongue is one of the most frequent habits – and also one of the wrongest for most people. And that happens for a very simple reason: the tongue is also dirty and full of bacteria.

So there is no point in washing your teeth flawlessly if your tongue will refill them with harmful bacteria or microorganisms.
How to cure bad breath? To avoid bad breath, and whenever you brush your teeth, you should also brush your tongue.

5. Avoid Foods That Make You Smell from Your Mouth

What causes bad breath? The feeding. Many people cannot resist the flavors of garlic, onion, and even the spiciest foods. However, these foods are known for letting people smell your mouth, and this is usually proven when you are talking (and you don’t need to be face-to-face).

The substances that cause these bad smells penetrate the bloodstream and end up in the lungs, keeping the bad smell for hours. In this particular situation, brushing your teeth at the end of the meal will not solve the problem. You should avoid these foods if you want people to continue talking to you.

6. Keep a Careful Diet

Food also influences (and a lot!) Oral hygiene. This explains why you should follow a healthy and balanced diet so that your teeth are as healthy as possible. You must have the following food care:

• Chew carrots, celery, apples, or leafy green herbs, as these ingredients control the odor of food and promote the production of saliva.

• Avoid gums and sugary foods as they stick to your teeth and act on them, forming plaque and the appearance of cavities. Do cavities cause bad breath? So that there are no doubts: yes, without a doubt.

• Eat sugar-free sweets and Chiclets because it helps to stimulate the flow of saliva, and it helps to wash acidic remains of food and keep your breath fresher.

• Keep your gums healthy by eating fruit with plenty of water like watermelon and melon, so your mouth doesn’t get dry.

7. Stop Smoking Immediately and Avoid Tobacco Products

How to tell if you have bad breath? Tobacco addiction is bad on many levels, and with regard to oral health, it can damage your gums, stain your teeth, and, of course, cause bad breath.

Some smokers don’t even like the breath caused by smoking. And in these situations, washing your teeth or chewing gum or rinsing your mouth with a strong elixir does not solve the problem either – in many cases it makes it worse.
The best solution is to stop smoking. In addition to preventing you from suffering from cancer or other health problems, it allows you to save a lot of money and have a pleasant…and bearable breath.

8. Drink a Lot of Water

The best way to keep your mouth dry and, consequently, with bad breath, is to drink plenty of water during the day. You should always accompany yourself with a bottle of water and always drink the recommended amount of fluids per day, that is, between 1 to 3 liters.

Keep in mind that coffee, alcoholic beverages, and some medications also make you have a dry mouth and bad breath. And that is all the more reason for you not to forget the importance of water for the production of saliva and the general proper functioning of the body.

9. Always Be Prepared

If you meet a childhood friend on the street who invites you to lunch or dinner, don’t let that be a reason for not taking care of your oral hygiene.

Always place a dental cleaning kit in your work bag so that, in the event an unexpected meal arises, you take care of the beauty of your teeth and the smell of your mouth.

Like women who have a make-up case handy to touch up their appearance, also have a “dental cleaning case” to take care of your presentation card: your smile.

10. Make Regular Visits to the Dentist

If the bad breath persists after you have followed all the previous tips, this is a sign that you need to make an appointment with your dentist – not least because you may have bad breath after tooth extraction, among other valid reasons.

Your dentist is the best person to tell you what will be the best treatment for your problem because what is good for one person does not necessarily mean that it is good for another.

Always keep in mind that regular visits to the dentist (at least twice a year) are essential for anyone who wants to have a fresh breath.
These are the ten tips you should follow to have a fresh breath, wonderfully perfect teeth, and a smile from ear to ear. Put them into practice every day, smile with maximum confidence, and feel more beautiful than ever.


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