
10 Signs of Pancreatic Cancer You Need to Watch Out For

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Pancreatic cancer is extremely difficult to diagnose, and it is often detected a bit too late (when it has already spread to a stage where the cure is nearly impossible.)

Pancreatic cancer occurs when the pancreas’ healthy cells stop working properly and start growing at an alarming rate until they form tumors which, in turn, start spreading to other body parts. As the tumors grow larger, their impact on the functions of other organs grows worse as well, resulting in various painful issues.

The horrible thing about this type of cancer is that early stages often don’t cause any symptoms, yet, as soon as symptoms start showing up, it means that cancer has already spread beyond the pancreas.

Keep in mind that the most important thing, besides exercise and nutrition, is to listen to your body and pay attention to any changes. Click through the next pages to reveal the 10 signs of pancreatic cancer that you should watch out for.

11 – Jaundice

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Jaundice is when the eyes and skin turn yellow. The majority of individuals who suffer from pancreatic cancer will experience jaundice as an early symptom. What causes jaundice? It occurs due to the accumulation of bilirubin, a dark brown-yellow material made in the liver.

When cancer starts in pancreas’ head, it can press on the bile duct and cause jaundice while it’s still small, which makes it easier to detect the tumor early enough. However, when cancer starts in the pancreas’ tail or body, it doesn’t press on the duct until it has spread through the entire pancreas and even beyond.

As pancreatic cancer spreads beyond the pancreas, its next target is often the liver. This can also cause jaundice.

10 – Dark Urine

Dark Urine

In some cases, dark urine is the first sign of jaundice due to the increased levels of bilirubin in the blood. When the levels of bilirubin reach are extremely high in the blood, the color of urine turns brown. Darker urine is actually a common sign of pancreatic cancer.

According to medical experts, if you notice your urine becoming dark brown too often, it’s recommended that you visit your primary healthcare provider as soon as possible for a proper examination.


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