
5 Simple, Effective Ways To Reduce Your Side Fats

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The journey towards a beautiful, toned body is not as easy as many people would think because it takes time, determination, and strong willpower to keep on pushing every day and to not fall for any excuses that our minds create when we are too lazy to move a muscle.

Once you are motivated to reach the body of your dreams, you will need to understand that it is not only about moving your body and focusing on the sweat you are releasing, but it is also about treating each part individually to see the results you are longing for.

The side fats, for example, are not easy to lose because they are considered as the most stubborn in our bodies.

Don’t worry, we got you covered! We have found some of the greatest exercises that will help you forget about your side fats quickly, and before you know it, your body will be looking exactly as you were imagining in your head. So just go ahead, put on your workout gear and let’s start…

5 Simple, Effective Ways To Reduce Your Side Fats© Redorbit

#1 – Exercise #1: Plank

Exercise #1 Plank© Men’s Health

Many people underestimate the power of a good plank, or they avoid it just because it is not one of the most enjoyable workouts… you know!

But it has incredible effects on our bodies as it improves our posture, get rid of back pain, works our neck and biceps, and it makes us stronger because it exercises different muscles.

Simply, place your forearms on the ground and make your arms parallel to your body, place your elbows below your shoulders, and keep your back completely straight.

Hold that position for 1 minute, and that’s it! It might be hard at first if you are not used to this exercise, but know that your body is working itself out to the toned version of itself. Now time to see what’s next…

#2 – Exercise #2: Bicycle crunches

Exercise #2 Bicycle crunches© 30 Day Fitness Challenges

Bicycle crunches are considered to be one of the most effective abs exercises, and not only that, but it also works your thighs and leaves you without any side fats.

Start by laying on the ground and putting your both hands behind your head, raise your legs and start touching your left elbow to your right while keeping your left leg straight and off the ground, and then vice-versa. It is like you are riding a bike but on the ground and without any machines.

Don’t forget about your neck when you are doing this exercise, you should lift it off the ground in order to avoid any pain or discomfort. Do it for one minute straight, make sure to control your breathing and don’t rush because your body needs a little time to get proper training.

#3 – Exercise #3: Side Plank

Exercise #3 Side Plank© LinkedIn

We are back to the plank, we can’t get enough of its amazing benefits! Side plank is very underrated, which is strange because it works out a very important muscle that’s called Quadratus Lumborum. Plus, it helps to keep the side fat at bay!

Start by putting your legs together on your side and make sure your forum is below your shoulder exactly. Raise your body off the ground and then make a straight line from your head to toes, hold that position and put the clock on 2 or 3 minutes.

Don’t go crazy with this exercise and never do it for over 4 minutes, you don’t really need to be the king or queen of the side plank. You are only a few steps closer to a flatter belly and toned body!

#4 – Exercise #4: Leg Lifts

Exercise #4 Leg Lifts© Rhone

Again, another exercise that’s incredible when it comes to training the abdominal muscles and is ranked as the most effective abs exercise there is.

If you really want to get rid of the side fat, then this exercise should be included in your daily routine. You will start seeing amazing results in a short period of time.

Start by laying on your back on a solid ground with your legs straight, place both your hands under your buttocks, and lift your both legs as high as you possibly can, then lower them without touching the ground.

This exercise can be a little challenging, but you will get through it! This exercise will also help you have a great posture, flat belly, and strong muscles.

#5 – Exercise #5: Russian Twists

Exercise #5 Russian Twists© Nicolekrinsky

Yes, the name of this exercise is a little strange but its results are exceptional. Russian twists are able to work your abs perfectly and also burn all of your side fat quickly and effectively. If you do it regularly, you will stay in shape and your love handles will soon be gone.

It is best to do this workout in front of your bed or couch; start by laying down with your knees bent and feet under the bed or couch, lift your upper body till it makes a 45° angle off the ground, hold your both arms straightly together while clasping your hands.

Push your torso to the left side until your arms are parallel to the ground, hold for 5 seconds, return to the start, then repeat the move for your right side, and back to the starting position.

Breathe in and out, relax, and do all of these exercises one more time… These exercises are not the hardest, but they are totally worth it!

Make sure to watch your calories because nothing would work if you continued eating the same amount or more. Focus on burning more than you are consuming, and replace your diet with a healthier one that’s based more on fruits and vegetables.
Good Luck!


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