
The Most Surprising Signs That You Are Healthier Than You Think

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The only way to know what your body exactly needs is by listening to it. For example; when you are eating and your body is telling you it is full, then you have to stop eating. If you are able to do that, then congratulations!

#4 – You can climb the stairs while breathing normally

You can climb the stairs while breathing normally© StepJockey

It is important to ditch the elevator and the escalators and hit the stairs, that’s how you can tell if you are in a good physical shape. Let me tell you a secret: you don’t need to be doing a lot of sports or have an amazing stamina to be considered healthy.

My sister goes to the gym while I don’t, and one day we challenged each other to climb the stairs together with no break, I was shocked that I finished all of them without feeling “dead’, while she lost her breath completely before reaching the last floor.

So, if you can climb a lot of stairs with no break, and you feel fine on the top, then your physical shape is good and your body can handle everyday physical activity.

#5 – You experience a range of emotions

You experience a range of emotions© Contractor

Society taught us while growing up that feeling any negative feeling is not good, but the truth is all of our emotions are healthy and they need to be experienced equally.

According to psychological health, being optimistic and happy 24/7 is not the healthy state. Feeling annoyed, angry, sad, and sometimes even depressed is normal, and the ability to have them all is a sign of good psychological health.

Keep in mind that none of our emotions are constant, so whatever you are feeling right now, embrace it and let it make you feel like a normal, healthy human being.

#6 – You can get early without an alarm

You can get early without an alarm© Elite Daily

It doesn’t have to be a work/school day to wake up early, it is about the relaxing days when you don’t have anything scheduled for the morning, and you are still able to wake up early with no alarm, feel completely rested, and ready to leave the bed.


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