
Color Psychology: This is What Your Favorite Color Says about You

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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#6 – Purple

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You are: Not afraid to live it up, in your own special way.

If you adore purple, you are kind of hippy-like when it comes to dealing with the world. You cherish your utopian ideals. Also, you tend to opt for mysticism over reality and like to see the world through unique violet-colored glasses.

You have this romantic perspective regarding life. You have more wisdom as you age and incredible ambition to make your dreams come true. You enjoy splurging from time to time on something that means a lot but never go beyond limits.

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#7 – White

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You are: A bit perfectionist and innocent (or at least you think you are.)

White embraces innocence, cleanliness, and virginity. If you love white, you may often want to convince people (including yourself) of the purity they likely just don’t have. You’re a bit perfectionist, but you know how to stay positive and start your days on the right foot.

You prefer neat and tidy spaces, and you’re really meticulous when it comes to your appearance, unlike others who would rarely be able to keep whites white.

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#8 – Black

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You are: Half moody, half sophisticated.

If black is your favorite color, you tend to be complicated realists with a huge need to keep everything under control. You’re not easy to convince, you adventurous and rebellious, with an air of mystery.

Your realistic view of the world keeps your moodiness and pessimism in check, while your simple approach to always keeping things dark makes you appear far more sophisticated than you really are. Other may think you’re all doom and gloom, but you’re much more than that. New York City might suit you very well.

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