
Color Psychology: This is What Your Favorite Color Says about You

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

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#3 – Yellow

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You are: A vibrant person and a happy idealist who is often underestimated.

Only a little percentage of people prefer yellow over other colors and it takes a certain type of personality to do that. If you simply love yellow, you’ve got a uniquely vibrant and warm personality which involves a certain level of optimism that most of those aged over 10 just don’t have.

You find it easy to make other people happier and you know exactly how to get attention when you want it. Because of your optimism, and your inner idealist, you sometimes come off as aloof or whacky, but that’s just due to your moody character and high levels of jealousy. Go ahead, make the world shine!

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#4 – Green

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You are: Born to help others, nature lover, and prone to putting much importance on security and money.

You love green and you’re at your best when surrounded by joyfully green leaves and trees. Nature can instantly brighten your mood. You are sympathetic and kind, always willing to lend an ear and help people through difficult situations.

According to color psychology, those who prefer green color are desperately in need to feel secure both financially and in relationships. How others see you is probably your greatest concern, as you really want to be seen as an important, wealthy, and successful person. You’re also a social butterfly. Are you on a diet? Because you probably are!

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#5 – Blue

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You are: Cool, calm, and able to keep things balanced.

Blue, the color of the sky and ocean, is usually linked to feelings of serenity. So if you love blue, you are often able to find peace and tranquility in places where others can’t. You’re a meditative person who always takes good care of your soul, mind, and body.

You’re often far away from being moody and when feeling bad, you can easily get back to normal. If you like to wear blue, you’re likely easy to get along with, reliable, and, lovable. Keep calm because you can do it better.


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