
10 Secrets Of How To Be (And Stay) Skinny!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Lack of sleep affects the hormones that make you gain weight and trigger your appetite strongly. So my dear, don’t ever feel bad for sleeping extra on your tiring days because sleep must be your top priority.

#7 – Avoid diet soda

7. Avoid diet soda© NPR

The calorie-free drinks may not cause any weight gain, but they will definitely stimulate your hunger, which will make you ready for more other calories. But in any case, didn’t you notice that these diet sodas are addictive?

The more you get used to them, the more you will want to consume, and just when you think you are saving calories, you will immediately be convinced that it is okay to order a big hamburger instead of a salad.

#8 – Experiment in the kitchen

8. Experiment in the kitchen© Eat This, Not That!

If you think eating healthy is very boring, then try to cook them yourself and add your own “jazz” with your spices and herbs. In fact, adding spices like cayenne and red pepper flakes can boost your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories from your meal.

So, maybe one dash of smoked paprika on your steamed broccoli instead of butter can be extra healthy and super delicious. Just use more herbs and you will be astonished by what you just created… bon appétit!

#9 – Don’t count calories

9. Don’t count calories© Fit Living Tips

Counting your calories could be very useless if you don’t know the difference between how your body takes advantage of 1,000 calories of whole foods and 1,000 calories of junk foods.

So instead of keeping count, you must focus on filling your plate with a lot of vegetables, meat (fish, chicken or red meat), and anything with healthy fat. These meals will help you contain your hunger, be healthy, and stay fit.

#10 – Eat sugar smartly

10. Eat sugar smartly©

Here is a fact that can’t be changed: Sugar is not good for you. Your body is capable to handle only so much at one time, and when you overdo it, everything will be stored as fat. However, you should not cut it completely.


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