
10 Hidden Signs You Are Dealing With A Toxic Workplace

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Once you give yourself the much-needed break, you will have opportunities to be more creative, effective problem solver, fresh thinker, and above all that, happier!


#3 – You feel anxious throughout your workday


You feel anxious throughout your workday© Employsure

There are many reasons that could trigger anxiety, and they could all be from outside work, but if you work in a toxic environment, then there is a good chance your level of stress is even higher. So if you want to know if it is affecting you, answer these questions with all honesty:

– How is your appetite?
– Do you get stomachaches each workday?
– Do you feel tense up before, and during work?
– Are they any pains or aches that have worsened?

Our bodies tend to send us signals every time our mind is struggling, which is why it is very important to pay attention to them.


#4 – There is harassment, bullying, and name calling


There is harassment, bullying, and name calling© Reader’s Digest

We have always believed that bullying and harassment will be left behind with our schools and children playgrounds, but apparently, they follow us to adulthood, too, especially in the workplace.

So if you are experiencing angry outbursts, name calling, oppressive behavioral standards, and cultural insensitivity, then we recommend addressing the problem with human resources. Don’t ever hesitate to defend your right, seek legal support, and request to transfer that person away.


#5 – Co-workers gossip behind each other’s back


Co-workers gossip behind each other’s back© The Cheat Sheet

Gossip is not okay anywhere, and there should not be any tolerance for it where you work. By listening and contributing to it, you are probably leaving people feeling hurt and manipulated.

So it is best to walk away from any gossip, maintain a positive mindset, and don’t add any negative comments. Instead, you can complement the co-worker on their kind gestures, skills they bring to the team, and their work ethic.


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