
What Happens After You Eat A Dragon Fruit

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Dragon fruit is not a very popular fruit around the world due to our earth’s lack of ability to produce enough of it for the entire world. However, it is one of the greatest fruits anyone would ever eat. In fact, after eating only one dragon fruit, your body will have a dramatic health improvement that many other foods wouldn’t do till after days or week.

This fruit looks extremely beautiful and unique. The way it is shaped and all of its gorgeous colors could make you feel bad to cut it open or eat it. Its unique skin is the reason why it was named after dragons. But once you open it, you will be even more impressed by it. It is delicate and soft with a light smell that teases you to bite it.

The greatest thing about this fruit, besides its beauty, is the number of nutrients it has. It has fiber, carbohydrates, calcium, Vitamin C, B vitamins, phosphorus, lycopene, iron, and many more. They are everything our bodies need on a daily basis.

So if you are brave enough to open up a dragon fruit and actually try to consume it, then you will boost your health impressively.



#1 – Decreased risk of diabetes


1. Decreased risk of diabetes© Transport Topics

According to several studies, dragon fruit was proved to lower the risk of diabetes because it has a low glycemic index, which has a great effect on lowering the effect of glucose.

There is one research in particular that seek the reasoning behind it and discovered it could be triggered by antioxidant and betacyanin activity of the dragon fruit. But in general, the white and red flesh effectiveness varieties could be different.

If you are at risk of developing diabetes, then you may be able to eat dragon fruit safely, as long as you don’t overeat it, you will be fine.

#2 – It fights and prevents cancer

2. It fights and prevents cancer© Al Manar

There are many fruits and vegetables that are capable to prevent cancer and fight it when it occurs. But dragon fruit, in particular, is high in antioxidants that are considered to be disease-fighting machines. They can even kill free radicals.

Some of its antioxidants are Vitamin C, carotenoids, and betalains. These three were found to be extremely important to reduce the risk of many cancers, like breast cancer, by suppressing the cancer cells.

Also, dragon fruit contains the beta carotenoids that can reduce the risk of cancer as well. On the other hand, it was proved to be the reason why this fruit has that bold, beautiful color.


#3 – Better digestion


3. Better digestion©

The best thing for your digestion system is fiber, and that’s what the dragon fruit has the most. Many times, we find ourselves unable to have a healthy digestive, which causes a lot of pain, bloating, and frustration.

Plus, it is not healthy to stay like that for long, which is why we need to consume as much fiber as we can find, and that’s a great reason to eat the delicious dragon fruit.

By eating this fruit regularly, you will be providing your body by 7 grams of fiber per one-cup serving, which will prevent constipation and slow down the sugar’s absorption, and that’s necessary to keep the bad bacteria out of your body.

#4 – A healthier gut!

4. A healthier gut!© Oskar Kaiser

Speaking of the digestive system, we don’t only need fiber to help the food to digest, but we also need a healthy gut to embrace that food. Thankfully, dragon fruit is able to kill all the bad bacteria that can come from infections, foodborne illnesses, or anything your belly doesn’t agree on.

Dragon fruit promotes the growth of healthy, good bacteria like bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria. Their main task is to balance things out and negate what the bad bacteria is doing to our insides. Basically, the dragon we are putting within us is actually a good one that’s hoping to keep us alive.


#5 – Healthier weight/ability to lose weight


5. Healthier weight ability to lose weight© Diet Doctor

Thanks to the fiber, the dragon fruit can make you feel fuller quickly, which will prevent you from eating more than you need. For anyone who is trying to lose weight, or maintains their current weight, this method works better than any diet.

Add dragon fruit to your usual meals, shower your body with all the nutrients it needs while making yourself feel fuller. You will notice how your body is no longer looking for more food or even craving sweets, which is great since you have fueled yourself with healthy foods only, and therefore, a better and a healthier weight.

#6 – Healthier skin

6. Healthier skin© Premier Family Dental

The dragon fruit is rich in Vitamin C and other antioxidants that can fight off any free radicals that damage the skin like the sun and aging.

If you want to take more advantage of these antioxidants, you can use it as a facial cream. All around the world, people have created a paste from the flesh of this exotic fruit and started applying on their faces in order to get rid of acne, to slow down the process of aging, and to treat sunburns.

So in case you didn’t enjoy its taste that much (even though, you will), you can then use it on your face to make it healthier, shinier, and a lot younger.


#7 – Healthier heart


7. Healthier heart© The Newtown Bee

This exotic fruit has also flavonoids, which is powerful antioxidants that necessary for a healthier heart. It works on improving the health of the organ that’s keeping all of your organs alive, which also means your entire body will be healthier since they will receive enough blood constantly.

Also, Vitamin C works as an antioxidant that can boost the immune system and improve cardiovascular health.

Basically, dragon fruit will keep your body strong and healthy from head to toe. We can’t complain about this fruit because it is so beautiful to look at, so delicious to eat, and so beneficial to make it a regular in our diet.



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