
Top 5 Signs You Need To Cut Back On Coffee!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Saying that coffee is the best thing that has ever happened to many of us would be an understatement!

If you’re a coffee-lover, you know that mornings without coffee are just tasteless. Not only does this delicious beverage boost your energy for a long day and helps you burn fat, but it also has an abundance of health benefits, including protecting against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and liver disease, and improving cognitive function.

Studies have also proved that drinking coffee can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and even liver cancer. All of these health benefits are linked to drinking coffee in moderation.

Consuming too much caffeine has its downsides, which is another understatement because it increases your risk of heart attack, gout attack, breast tissue cysts, incontinence, and digestion problems, etc.

Know if your body is telling you “enough is enough” by reading the listed signs you should cut back on coffee.

#1 – You’re always dehydrated

Drinking coffee can easily dehydrate your body, especially if you don’t drink water afterward. In other words, drinking up to three or four cups of coffee during the day can more side effects than increased thirst, which include: dry mouth, headaches, dizziness, dry skin, and tiredness.

Another sign to look out for in this context is frequent urination. Coffee is a natural diuretic thanks to caffeine that promotes diuresis (increased production of urine), so you may pay multiple visits to the restroom, especially if you drink a lot of coffee.

#2 – You have frequent stomach pain

Coffee is acidic so it increases the acidity in your stomach, causing acid reflux and upset stomach — more so if you don’t drink it in moderation. Abdominal pain is also a warning sign that you should cut back on coffee.

Rather than drinking coffee all at once or more than one cup, drink your morning cup of joe slowly with small sips which makes it easier on your stomach!

Drink more water to reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal distress and if you already suffer from acid reflux avoid drinking coffee.

Additionally, despite the fact that coffee stimulates the digestive system and may relieve constipation for a while, it is still a dehydrating beverage so it’s not recommended when you have digestive problems.

#3 – You can’t sleep at night

Insomnia can be caused by a number of factors including stress and anxiety, depression, too much exposure to blue light and, of course, too much caffeine intake.

Yes, drinking large amounts of coffee during the day can keep you up at night and, in the long run, it can lead to chronic insomnia.

Studies show that moderate amounts of caffeine don’t lead to decreased quantity and quality of sleep, contrary to drinking more than three cups of coffee every day which is linked to not only a disturbed sleep cycle but also to early death.

Again, here is a simple piece of advice: cut back on coffee.

#4 – Your anxiety is worsening

Even if you’re having a stressful day, try not to drink too much coffee because it can worsen your stress and anxiety.

Because both caffeine and stress can increase cortisol levels, a crucial hormone that protects your overall health, it is not a good idea to drink more coffee whenever you’re stressed otherwise you will experience high blood pressure, frequent urination, increased thirst, mood swings, and rapid weight gain over time.

Try to keep your caffeine intake small and moderate.

#5 – You’re always tired

While this is quite counterintuitive, given that coffee is supposed to give you energy, drinking too much of it can backfire and cause you chronic fatigue.

If you’re feeling tired all the time even after drinking coffee or that your fatigue is worsening the more you do, it must be time to decrease your caffeine intake or stop it and look for alternatives.

When you suffer from stress, caffeine may give you a temporary energy boost but as soon as it leaves your system, you get bad symptoms of fatigue and anxiety. Try other energizers like orange juice or lemon water.

Caffeine addiction can be very harmful to your overall health and well-being and can also sour your social interactions and private life due to mood swings and irritability, etc., which is why you need to start cutting down on coffee and other caffeine beverages such as tea.

Instead of drinking coffee every day, try drinking it every other day, and then twice or once a week until it becomes dispensable to you. You may experience stabbing headaches and bad moods but it will get better with time. You will notice the difference!


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