
This Is Why You Need to Ditch Nutella Once and for All!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Any type of chocolate on the breakfast table is a welcome treat. Some people like to start their mornings with a chocolate cake (they try every possible chocolate cake recipe), while others begin their day with a delicious chocolate bar. A lot of people, on the other hand, just cannot imagine starting their day with something other than Nutella!

However, is Nutella a really good thing for your health? True, there is a multitude of delicious easy Nutella recipes, such as Nutella pancakes, Nutella milkshakes, and even Nutella ice cream; however, they are not the best thing with which to start your day.

In this article, we are going to tell you about a number of strong reasons that should deter you from ever going to a Nutella store and buying a big jar of that albeit delicious substance. Keep reading, therefore, to know all about these reasons!


#1 – It Has a Lot of Sugar

Sure, the company tries to market Nutella as having a lot of hazelnut in it, but that is not true. The only thing that Nutella has a lot of is sugar—insane amounts of sugar!!

Therefore, when you choose to have a Nutella breakfast, you are choosing to let into your body a lot of sugar that, though will give you a boost of energy at first, will leave you craving for more for the rest of the day.

For that reason, we encourage you to try some other chocolate recipes, ones that make use of natural chocolate and not ones that rely on Nutella as the base ingredient—for example, a Nutella cookie recipe.

#2 – It Is Unnecessary Extra Sugar

Another reason why you should ditch Nutella all together from your diet is the fact that it constitutes an unnecessary source of sugar for you. Toast, pancakes, and cookies all have sufficient amounts of sugar. Therefore, when you take it upon yourself to spread Nutella on top of them, you are essentially increasing your intake of sugar—that is a recipe for disaster.

True, preparing a Nutella filling toast is a delicious thing, but it is not the healthiest thing with which to start your morning. Also: there is no such thing as healthy Nutella snacks; so don’t go about trying to squeeze a big Nutella sandwich into your rest of the day. And the lovely Nutella cookie recipe is really bad business.

#3 – It Has Modified Vegetable Oil

One of the main, disastrous ingredients that Nutella includes is modified vegetable oil. Naturally speaking, you cannot extract oil from vegetables. Therefore, they have to go through and lengthy process of processing, which allows them to turn into Nutella.

That friends, is a recipe for disaster! All those Nutella breakfast recipes, such as that Nutella pancake recipe or that Nutella hot chocolate recipe, are disastrous recipes due to the fact that Nutella has modified vegetable oil. The rule when it comes to consuming fat states that it has to come from a natural and unprocessed source. Be careful!

#4 – There Is a Better Alternative

One reason, in our opinion, which should convince you to ditch Nutella from your breakfast table altogether is the fact that there are better alternatives, ones that are natural and cheaper to make. For example, you can take some hazelnuts, since it is the ingredient that draws people to Nutella, put it in the food processor.

Make sure to add a little bit of honey to make it sweet and a pinch of salt. Before mixing everything together, you can add some natural cacao to give it that chocolaty look that you very much crave. As easy as that, you can have a healthier, more delicious alternative to Nutella. Also, you can use it to make that Nutella smoothie or that Nutella mug cake recipe.

#5 – It Should Not Be a Substitute for Other Foods

The main reason why you should abandon drinking a Nutella café or eating a Nutella pizza, for example, is the fact that it makes you miss out on a lot of other more natural foods that your body needs.

For example, starting your morning with Nutella means not starting it with oatmeal, a delicious fruit smoothie, or some great eggs. Also, you can easily prepare your own chocolate spread, one that is healthier and will definitely be more delicious. Also, make sure to try a chocolate pie recipe that does not rely on Nutella as the base ingredient.

We know, everything with chocolates in it speaks deliciously! However, does everything that contains chocolate speak healthily? Nutella certainly does not! That Nutella latte recipe is bad business for your health, and we recommend that you drink natural chocolate milk and not one that has Nutella in it.

Before you go, tell us in the comments below how much you love Nutella and whether you are ready to ditch it from your breakfast table.


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