
This is a List of 6 Ways Gluten Damages Your Body + Alternatives

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

This makes it imperative that you got get an intestinal permeability test and start looking for a gluten-free bakery to get your morning breakfast from. It is interesting to note that this condition leads to other more serious conditions that could damage your body tissues. To know more, keep reading!

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#3 – Vulnerability to Gut Autoimmunity Increases

3.Vulnerability to Gut Autoimmunity Increases© W Radio

Put very simply, this condition could mean that your immune system will start cracking down on its own cells. This happens as a direct cause of increased intestinal permeability, which means that some gliadin, a substance found in gluten, can make it to your bloodstream.

Gliadin is similar in composition to some body tissues, which means that, in an effort to illuminate it from your body, your immune system will end up destroying some of the tissues found in your gut.

You might want to seriously start considering that gluten-free diet plan. No one wants to have his or her own immune system bring down his or her demise.

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#4 – Gut Biome Becomes Damaged

4.Gut Biome Becomes Damaged©

The human gut microbiome is a complex thing! Most of what you will find is good gut bacteria that are essential of the digestive process to be successful.

Unfortunately, if you perform a gut microbiome test for someone who has celiac disease or is intolerant towards gluten, you will find that serious damage has been done to their good gut bacteria, the reason for this being the incompatibility of gluten and gut bacteria—neither seems to tolerate the other.

Therefore, makes sure that get those gluten-free grains for a thorough gut cleanse.

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#5 – Manifestation of Brain Symptoms

5.Manifestation of Brain Symptoms© Mayo Clinic News Network

The damage that gluten can cause is not limited to your gut alone, though it would seem that that is the natural case. If you got a positive celiac disease test or have a gluten intolerance, you could experience some symptoms that are related to your brain.

For example, you could suffer from brain fog pr experience fatigue. Moreover, an inflammatory response to gluten makes you more vulnerable to brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.


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