
Read about the Top 10 Benefits of Magnesium That Will Save Your Life

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

One of the common uses of magnesium is building stronger bones. In fact, magnesium properties are just as important as those of vitamin D and calcium for making your bones stronger.

Moreover, magnesium is also important because it makes the role that calcium plays in the process of making bones stronger more effective. The ratio that should be maintained is 2 (calcium) to 1 (magnesium). Make sure that you get your daily dose of magnesium for stronger, healthier bones.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

4. Lowers Blood Pressure© Active Seniors

Your blood pressure can benefit a lot from magnesium. If you happen to suffer from high blood pressure, you can take magnesium to lower it. Researchers have been able to link a daily intake of magnesium to a 2 point drop in blood pressure.

However, magnesium is effective only in people who already have high blood pressure. Those with regular blood pressure, a study has found, cannot be impacted.

5. Prevents Migraines

5. Prevents Migraines© Voice of America

Magnesium and migraines are like enemies—that is to say, magnesium is an enemy to migraines and can give you that long-coveted migraine relief! Some research has linked the occurrence of migraine symptoms to a low amount of magnesium in the body.

Therefore, if you suffer from a migraine headache, you might want to magnesium supplement as a migraine medication and rid yourself of that shooting pain that is going through your head.

6. Improves Athletic Performance

6. Improves Athletic Performance© Burstathleticperformance

Magnesium is used as a supplement for athletes to boost their performance! You will always find athletes buying food that are rich in magnesium, which helps them have better-performing muscles by improving the level of glucose and decreasing the levels of lactic acid in the muscles.

As a result, you will have more resistance and energy throughout any workout you try. If you are an athlete, therefore, make sure that you get your daily dose of magnesium.


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