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Best Breakfast Foods For Your Weight Loss Diet

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Even one of the recommendations of the experts is to eat oatmeal three hours before exercise to help burn more fat. A glass of oatmeal for breakfast would be perfect, but if you prefer an oatmeal cookie not be a bad idea.

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#3 – Yogurt

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Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium. A publication of the New England Journal of Medicine found that yogurt is one of the foods that promotes weight loss. It is estimated that the yogurt, preferably low fat, could deliver the body to provide energy to the body and thus lose more weight by the activities and the effect of food on the body a good dose of protein.

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#4 – eggs

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A breakfast worth called good breakfast should have a couple of eggs. As is known, the egg contains important proteins consumed properly could provide the necessary protein for people looking to lose weight. Proteins that have eggs also help keep you satisfied longer. It will be a matter of preparing healthy ways; but go there a thousand ways to prepare eggs.

– Our meal must contain at least two servings of vegetables daily, one at lunch and another at dinner; 2 to 3 pieces or servings of fruit a day; 2 to 3 servings daily protein foods (meat, fish and eggs, low fat preferred), cereal or starch rich in fiber, such as pasta, rice or whole-meal bread or vegetables; and avoid foods like sugar, sweets and jams rich in sugar, sugary drinks, pastries and cakes industrial and precooked foods.

– Another aspect that experts recommend is to distribute food intake throughout the day, and do so for 5-6 meals: breakfast, mid morning, lunch, snack, dinner and snack after dinner. This favors self intake and anxiety and also distributes calorie intake throughout the day.

– It is important that you spend time for breakfast if you want to succeed in your weight loss, remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. People who daily eat at each meal in addition to losing weight and being thin, are those with lower levels of cholesterol.


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