
This Trick Will Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure In One Minute

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

This Trick Will Help You Lower Your Blood Pressure In One Minute© Doctissimo

It is important for everyone to learn about the alternatives that can help with health issues because no one knows when something dangerous could occur. It is enough to worry about our own lives, why should we add more stress about it happening somewhere where no one even knows our names?

Those who have experienced high blood pressure understand how scary it is to feel all its symptoms at once, and when you don’t have the medications available, it becomes scarier, especially when it happens somewhere far from home and with no one to help.

Plus, when blood pressure is not stable, many dangerous issues could happen unexpectedly.

Thankfully, there are a few ways that can help anyone to save his or her own self almost immediately, and as for now, you can learn about the trick to help you with high blood pressure. Make sure to teach it to anyone who has it or suffer from it.


#1 – Understanding Hypertension

Understanding Hypertension© Nepabuleici’s Blog

Doctors refer to high blood pressure as the silent killer because it is not easy to notice. In fact, many people don’t notice they have the issue until it is too late. The problem would develop slowly and the earliest symptoms are too common to many different conditions.

here are some symptoms you shouldn’t ignore

• Headaches: there is something interesting about this symptom; people with chronic high blood pressure rarely experience any headache. But those who don’t have chronic issue would feel it because the blood would increase in their heads, and it may even lead to nosebleeds.

• Vision problems: Hypertension can damage the blood vessels in the tiny layer located at the back of our eyeballs, it is called retina. So you may notice blood spots and possible vision issues.

• Pounding in chest and ears: if you felt your chest and ears pounding after an exercise, then there is nothing to worry about. You should be concerned when these symptoms occur for no obvious reason.


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