
Top 10 Worst Food Preservatives You Need to Avoid

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The awful truth is that artificial food additives and preservative lengthen the products’ lifespan while they shorten yours! Of course, there are many natural additives and preservatives, such as sugar, salt, vinegar, and alcohol, but that are larger numbers of additives and preservatives that are loaded with toxic chemicals, which have been associated with a variety of health problems.

Artificial preservatives are mainly used to keep food from growing yeast, bacteria, or mold, while artificial additives are used to improve the food’s taste and appearance. You should keep in mind that these risky ingredients might protect your food, but not your health!

Top 10 Worst Food Preservatives You Need to Avoid©

Next time you hit the grocery store, make sure to avoid these
10 worst food preservatives that will destroy your health.
(Click through the slides to discover.)

1. Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric Acid© Your Health Remedy

This preservative is a scentless and colorless syrup that’s mostly used by the soda industry. It’s used in soft drinks and fruit juices for its zesty and sharp taste, as well as its capacity to restrict bacteria growth.

Phosphoric acid is also used in other types of products, like polishing metals, dyes, and fertilizers. Consuming this element can cause severe damage to your teeth. According to a report by General Dentistry, phosphoric acid can cause as much damage to your teeth as battery acid. Moreover, this preservative has been associated with kidney disease and low bone density.

2. Sodium Nitrite

Sodium Nitrite© Pixabay

Sodium nitrite can be found in meat products, such as sausage, salami, and hot dogs. You should make sure not to confuse this preservative with sodium nitrate, which is a naturally occurring compound. Sodium nitrate is actually converted into sodium nitrite.

The nitrite can prompt a chemical reaction that forms some cancer-causing compounds known as nitrosamines. Moreover, once inside your body, sodium nitrite can restrict your red blood cells from transporting oxygen throughout the entire body. This can lead to deadly respiration problems. Before you purchase meat, make sure that it’s organic and grass-fed.


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