
Top 10 Super Probiotic Foods that Will Make You Healthier

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The health benefits of these super probiotic foods will blow your mind (and improve your health). You absolutely need to know that probiotics are highly beneficial for your digestive system, as they keep your gut healthy with helpful good bacteria, such as Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus, and Bifidobacterium. These bacteria are known to enhance the activity of digestive enzymes and they can be found in fermented foods.

Consuming probiotics can help treat many health problems, such as skin conditions (yeast infection, eczema,…), inflammatory bowel syndrome, and other digestive disorders.

In fact, people have been using probiotics for thousands of years, for example, some populations used to rely on yak’s milk which is full of bacteria with probiotic activity.

Amazingly, there are various ways to include probiotics into your diet.

Top 10 Super Probiotic Foods that Will Make You Healthier©

Browse through the slides to discover these probiotic-rich foods that will improve your health

1. Yogurt


Yogurt contains basic probiotics that can help you maintain a healthy gut and digestive system through promoting a steady passage of food in your digestive tract and reducing your risk of certain digestive issues, like diarrhea.

The next time you go shopping for yogurt, remember that processed and sugary yogurts don’t contain a great nutritional value, so it’s best to stick to organic yogurt. Organic products have a lower risk of food contamination. Also, make sure to check from which company distributes your yogurt.

If it’s possible, consider visiting local farms with small herds to see the living conditions of the cow. Or you can try making your own homemade yogurt, you’ll be surprised at how it’s so easy to make in addition to the great taste and quality.

2. Kefir

Kefir© Cultured Food Life

Do you know what is the difference between kefir and yogurt? Well, Kefir is actually a mixture of fermented kefir grains and goat’s milk. According to the author of Real Food Fermentation, Alex Lewin, kefir grains are mixtures of bacteria and yeasts that live on a base made up of many different dairy components.


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