
Top 10 Signs Of Depression You Should Never Ignore!

Last Updated on January 17, 2020

Feeling sad sometimes is only human – after all, we experience a vast spectrum of emotions, and sadness is one of them. However, there are early signs of depression we should pay close attention to. Mental health is a serious part of our lives that humankind has neglected throughout history. There are many causes of depression, and there are many consequences – like alcohol abuse and drug abuse.

Among the many types of depression, you can find:

– Clinical depression

– Chronic depression

– Severe depression

– Psychotic depression

– Postpartum depression

And for every major depressive disorder, there is an adequate treatment that can range from various kinds of therapy for depression, from cognitive behavioral therapy to depression medication. However, antidepressant drugs should only be used in very specific cases, because there is a risk of addiction. The sooner you get diagnosed, the sooner you can begin getting treatment for this illness – don’t underestimate it, it kills people every day and thousands of people every year.

So, here are 10 signs of depression you shouldn’t ignore!

1. You start losing interest in everyday activities

You start feeling like your everyday activities don’t motivate you anymore, and even the things that you’ve always done for fun, the things that used to make you happy, don’t quite make you happy anymore.

Even though you don’t feel motivated to do anything, the activities you used to enjoy can sometimes be great antidepressants, so if you can gather the energy, try to do them anyway, even if they don’t bring you as much joy as they used to.

2. Feelings of hopelessness and sadness

When thinking about the signs of depression, of course, sadness comes at the top of the list. And even though depressed people don’t necessarily feel sad all the time, when they do feel sadness, they feel like there is nothing they can do to stop feeling that way.

Depressed people will often feel like they are not worth it and that their lives have no purpose or meaning. This kind of feeling can drive someone over the edge, and that’s why it is so important to face up to mental health problems and seek depression treatment.

3. Crying out of nowhere

Those deep-rooted feelings of sadness and hopelessness will often manifest through crying, and there is no conscious reason as to why you are crying, but you will suddenly burst into tears, not knowing why. It helps to have a support system and to avoid keeping your depression hidden.

4. Difficulty sleeping and resting

Having trouble sleeping can be connected to stress and anxiety, but let’s keep in mind that stress and anxiety can also be symptoms of depression.

People who suffer from depression will often complain about how fatigued they feel, and they feel like they are dragging themselves through the day. Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much can both be signs of depression.

5. Difficulty in concentrating

A depressed person experiences a deep change in brain activity which messes up their thinking process. Therefore, they are more vulnerable to losing concentration or finding trouble making decisions.

They also do not have confidence in their judgment and will also have a hard time making decisions. Again, they feel hopeless and like nothing will ever go their way, no matter how hard they try.

6. Unintentional weight gain or weight loss

For people who are depressed, food either has no taste or works as an escape. That being said, people who suffer from depression can lose weight or gain weight without even trying.

The fact that people with this mental illness will often stay in their homes will result in a lack of physical activity and therefore weight gain. However, exercise works as a great anti-depressant.

7. Irritability

Those feelings of self-criticism can just turn into pure criticism sometimes, and depressed people will start thinking that no one around them does anything the way they should.

There is an expectation that their loved ones would make them feel better and this can make the frustration grow, turning it into irritability.

8. Physical Intimacy isn’t appealing anymore

People who suffer from depression will often feel self-esteem issues, leading them to feel unattractive, uncomfortable with getting closer to someone, and even feeling guilty when it comes to experiencing pleasure. As a result, depressed people will also suffer from reduced libido.

9. Thinking about suicide

Feeling like the walls are closing on you can be a hopeless feeling like no other, and sometimes, when there is nothing that can get you out of that state, you start feeling like nothing is meaningful, and then suicidal intentions start to take over.

Suicidal thoughts have been proved to be reduced when shared with others, so if you or anyone you know has been feeling down lately, seek help or motivate them to seek help as well.

10. Physical problems with no explanation

If you are experiencing aches or pains without any plausible cause, there is a chance this could be happening due to hypersensitivity or to a focus on negative stimuli. Whether it is explained or not, depression can often be a secondary problem with chronic physical pain.

Like we have stated before, depression is a serious issue that should be addressed. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed in this article, seek help, talk to someone and do not keep things bottled up.

Remember that you are worthy and so is everyone around you, so if you happen to see any of these signs in a friend let them know they can count on you. There are also support lines you can call in case you or a friend of yours needs to talk.


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