
This is Why You Need to Cut Trans Fat from Your Diet

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Trans fats are slowly being banned in the US, as many people have started recognizing their destructive health effects, which include a higher risk of coronary heart disease, irritability, memory loss, obesity, depression and more.

These are enough reasons to exclude these dangerous fats from your diet immediately! Although the FDA already plans on having artificial trans fats eliminated from processed foods in the future, you don’t have to wait for the future (because you might not make it until then) and should rather be proactive and start removing them from your diet right now.

You can actually replace trans fats with the healthy ones which can be found in coconut oil, nuts, and avocados.

This is Why You Need to Cut Trans Fat from Your Diet©

Browse through the slides to read more about the 10 scary reasons why you absolutely need to stop consuming trans fat immediately

1. Trans Fat Increase Bad Cholesterol and Decrease Good Cholesterol

Trans Fat Increase Bad Cholesterol and Decrease Good Cholesterol© Pinterest

According to a study in the Annual Review of Nutrition, trans fatty acids increased the plasma level of LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is harmful because it promotes plaque buildup in the artery walls.

This leads the arteries to become less flexible, and thus, prone to clogging. The white blood cells react to this by trying to eliminate LDL, and so the chronic low-grade inflammation in the artery wall begins.

Over time, the plaque buildup will slowly continue to block the artery, and once it becomes completely blocked, a heart attack occurs.

2. Trans Fars may Damage Memory

Trans Fars may Damage Memory© / / Medical News Today

According to a study, youngsters who consumed more trans fats had more difficulty to recall the words given to them. In fact, trans fats can have a damaging effect on brain cells. In fact, the area of the brain which is involved in memory is particularly sensitive to cell death because it won’t be able to get enough cell energy for proper function.


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