
This is Why You Need to Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is a sweetener that’s basically made from corn starch which converts into a very sweet syrup through processing. This also converts glucose into fructose, producing a very concentrated sugar.

Although both HFCS and table sugar have molecular similarities, the way the human body processes HFCS can cause several health problems. This syrup is destructive for the health of both humans and honey bees.

HFCS is a modern health epidemic that can find a way into your body through numerous processed foods, including candies, dairy products (with added fruit), carbonated beverages and sweetened drinks, commercial salad dressings, crackers, jellies, jams, canned fruits, and baked goods.

The easiest way you can avoid this substance is by banning these foods and drinks from your diet, and pay attention because they often dodge the problem by using the label “corn syrup”. Click through our article slides to know more about the 10 scary reasons why you need to avoid high-fructose Corn Syrup.

This is Why You Need to Avoid High-Fructose Corn Syrup©


1. HFCS is Linked to Worldwide Collapse of Bee Colonies

HFCS is Linked to Worldwide Collapse of Bee Colonies© ScienceDaily // Wonderopoli

High-fructose corn syrup can lead to obesity, undernourishment, and other illnesses, but one of the most destructive effects of HFCS is probably its link to the collapse disorder of honeybee colonies. According to researchers, when bees are fed HFCS, they don’t get the compounds that help them resist toxins, such as the ones found in pesticides.

The natural diet of a bee is its own honey, but beekeepers have been taking the honey away and replace it with high-fructose corn syrup. This weakens the bees’ immune system and makes them more vulnerable to toxins. Bees are one of the most important pollinators on the planet, so damaging and decreasing their populations will definitely result in a disaster.


2. Neural Alterations in HFCS-consuming Rats are Similar to Addictive Drugs Exposure

Neural Alterations in HFCS-consuming Rats are Similar to Addictive Drugs Exposure© Wikipédia // RVC


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