
This Is What Happens To Your Body When You Walk Every Day

Last Updated on December 22, 2020

If you asked any doctor or nutrient about the best workout, they will always tell you to walk, and they are right! Walking is one of the best ways to keep you looking and feeling good.

But unfortunately, we underestimate its power because we are not aware that as little as 15-30 minutes every day can drastically change your overall appearance and improve your health. Also, it benefits your mind, too.

The reason why we avoid walking is our laziness, getting from point A to B became so easy with all the easily-accessible transportations and elevators. But don’t you think it is time to change our habit? 15-30 minutes a day is technically very simple. You can do it on your lunch break or before heading home.

Prevention of heart disease

We believe that running is the way to prevent our hearts from any diseases, and it is true. But what if we told you that walking is no less effective than running when it comes to this matter? According to the American Heart Association, it is completely true.

In fact, walking is proved to be more effective because it is simpler and easier for those who struggle with back and joint pain. Walking protects your heart by lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Plus, it drastically improves your blood circulation.

Researchers found that the same energy used while walking and running resulted in similar reductions in risk of many other diseases including coronary heart disease and diabetes.

Improved Eyesight

Even if it seems like eyes are the last thing to be connected with the legs, but walking can actually benefit their health tremendously by relieving eye pressure, which helps us fight glaucoma.

According to research, people who walk three or more times a week are almost three and a half times less likely to develop visual impairment. They also found that even light walking can improve the visual cortex, which is the part of the brain that plays an important role in processing visual information.

Positive brain changes

According to a study, walking or any aerobic exercise reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and prevents early dementia due to the increase in the blood flow to the brain.

Moreover, regular walking will also reduce your stress, maintain a higher level of endorphins, and help to prevent strokes. In conclusion, walking will improve your overall mental health.

If you feel down or you just had a hectic day, try to walk for a few minutes, it will definitely help you feel better.

Increased lung volumes

Obviously, walking can help you increase the oxygen flow in the bloodstream, which will train your lungs and cut stroke risks. Not to mention eliminating toxins and waste.

However, if you focused on your breathing while walking, you will lower the risk of getting diseases that are associated with the lungs. In case you are a smoker, it is best if you decreased the number of cigarettes you have a day to earn the ability to enjoy as many benefits as possible.

Beneficial effects on the Pancreas

You may not believe this but according to many studies, diabetes can be perfectly avoided by walking for exercise, and it is way more effective than running.

There is a study that showed a group of walkers who were able to demonstrate improvement when it comes to how well blood sugar is absorbed by the cells (glucose tolerance). It turned out that it is 6 times better than runners in 6 months.

Improved digestion

You have a problem in the restroom when it comes to doing number 2? Hit the road, walk for 30 minutes, and you will fix any digestion or constipation problem you are dealing with. Plus, it will help with the bloat that comes after eating, too.

However, walking for 30 minutes every day will also lower the risk of colon cancer! Technically, walking will get your gut into gear and help your digestive system tremendously.

Toned muscles

It may not sound believable, but weight loss and muscle tone can be achieved through walking. 10,000 steps a day is counted as an actual full workout in a gym, especially if you tried to walk hills and added a few stairs to the schedule.

Furthermore, you won’t be dealing with sore muscles because you “exercised” way too hard. You will wake up the next day feeling good with a healthier body and toner muscles.

Sturdier bones and joints

Yes, walking can also help when it comes to our bones and joints. It can help us prevent losing bone mass, and provide us more joint mobility. If you suffer from any pain in the joints, 30 minutes walk every day will help you along with inflammation and stiffness.

Moreover, walking can reduce the risk of hip fracture by 30%. It is amazing to protect your joints and bones while losing calories with enjoyable, free exercise.

No more back pain

Since walking helps to get our blood circulation better, our spinal structure takes advantage of it by improving our posture and flexibility. 30 minutes walk can be a real lifesaver for those who are experiencing back pain, especially during high-impact exercises.

Plus, it is the best solution for people who experience discomfort or pain while doing intensive workouts like running and HIT.

A healthier mind

Not only that walking helps our bodies to stay healthy and fit, but it can also help us with stress and depression. Many patients who have suffered from major depression disorders were able to get out of it thanks to walking. Now imagine the benefits we can have when feeling down or exhausted.

It is incredible how walking can manage to improve our mood. Probably a fun walk with our dog or a friend will be able to help us fix all of our mental and physical problems. Walking is a miracle that we can enjoy every day. So, on your mark, get set… walk!


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