
This Is How You Can Build Healthier And Stronger Bones

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The sunshine vitamin is also responsible for the health of your teeth and bones as it’s the nutrient that helps calcium to be absorbed effectively!

Keep in mind that even if your body receives enough amounts of calcium, you will still be in the risk of developing osteoporosis and osteomalacia and that’s because your body not only needs calcium but also vitamin D!

The daily intakes of this essential vitamin vary depending on several factors, say, age, pregnancy, and breastfeeding periods.

Recommendations :

– Men and women: Both men and women whose ages are from 1 to 70 are required to take 15mcg per day and this includes pregnancy and breastfeeding periods.

– Older people: They should consume 20 mcg per day.

Good sources of Vitamin D: dairy products, beef liver, cheese, fatty fish including Tuna and salmon, and finally eggs!


#8 – Maintain a healthy and normal weight


Maintain a healthy and normal weight© Popsugar

If you think that following a strict diet is the perfect way to become a healthier person, then, you might change your mind soon!

In fact, losing weight especially during the postmenopausal period is definitely not a wise idea as it can put you at risk of low bone mass and increased bone loss.

However, obesity is, on the other hand, can increase your risks of getting bone fractures and breaks.

Recommendation :

The best thing to recommend here is maintaining your healthy and normal body weight. This means that you should adopt a healthy and balanced lifestyle while regularly staying active and exercising.


#7 – Exercise Your Bones


Exercise Your Bones© iStock

It is a fact that our bones tend to lose gradually their bone mass after the age of 30. Hence, it is very important to keep them healthy as long as possible!

This can only happen with a good nutrition and physical activity. Yes, you read it right! Your bones also need physical exercise as much as your muscles.


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