
The 4 Most Disturbing Body Odors To Never Ignore

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The human body is a complicated composition of substances that interact with each other. It is more like a car with several parts, organs, which work jointly to keep you alive.

However, it is your responsibility to take good care of your body by adopting a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to the slightest changes it experiences. It is very important to have clear health care plans in your mind so that you can proceed with your healthy life.

Things like your body odors should never be ignored. The human body is smelly by nature. Your hair’s, mouth’s or sweat’s odor tells you something about your body. Even if you are following the ideal protein diet or receiving precious tips from your nutritionist, your body odor has a message to deliver.

Whenever it does, you are supposed to listen carefully, pay attention and seek medical assistance when needed. As a matter of fact, a smelly body is to some extent normal, but when changes occur, then it becomes suspicious. Read to discover the 4 body odors you should never turn a blind on.


#1 – Smelly Pee

1-Smelly Pee© Self

Sometimes the color of your urine changes evidently along with its smell. Usually, urine is smell-less or it has mostly a very subtle scent according to professor Scott Sullivan, who is an M.D at the Medical University of South Carolina.

In case you feel pain when you pee and smell a whiff of your urine, something must be wrong with your urinary system. Calling a gyno should be among your primary medical plans. You may be exposed to UTI which stands for urinary tract infection.

Your gyno would mostly prescribe antibiotics to put things back on the track in your urinary tract. If you still can smell your urine yet feel no pain, then your diet program is the reason why you have smelly urine.

Your urine smell undergoes changes several times during a few weeks. This is normal because the kind of foods that you consume give your urine a strong scent

#2 – Nasty Sweat Smell

2-Nasty Sweat Smell© Fem

Sweat is not a pleasing smell at all. Imagine going out on a run on a summer morning, you will likely come back with this strong-scented sweat. There are certain parts of your body where the smell is highly concentrated like your chest, back and hair.

Don’t freak out by the strong sweat smell of these areas as long as the scent does not change. Of course, sweat odors are disturbing. That is why there are plenty of excessive sweating treatment natural remedies.

But if you are not into them, you can try instant anti-sweat products like Arrid deodorant. This may be also the best body spray for men which can stop underarm sweat, for instance, temporarily.

For ladies, you have also your share of a nice and effective female body spray which may meet your expectations. However, this may not work out, especially, when your sweat odors become stronger.

Such a rancid odor can be an indication of digestion issues. This is very rare, yet it does happen. Your body odor cure lies in the kind of foods you eat, affecting your sweaty smell.

#3 – Horrible Morning Breath

3-Horrible Morning Breath© Wmsmile

You certainly don’t want to share a room with a person who keeps snoring as he or she opens his or her mouth widely, from which a horrible morning breath comes out.

Sometimes, you have to put up with this, yet you may end up changing the whole room. People with this condition have usually dry mouths which hinder the flow of saliva to the oral tract. Why saliva is this important?

The food particles that stick in your teeth are cleaned by saliva. The latter shields your gum from bacterial infections as well. Usually, dentists prescribe an artificial saliva mouthwash to perform the same task of saliva.

It is advised to always use morning breath mints or a morning breath spray before walking into any place; a dry mouth, causing a smelly breath may really embarrass you.

Medically, bad breath is a sign of multiple medical conditions and diseases like gum disease, bronchitis, gastric reflux, liver or kidney disease, and lung infections. Sometimes, the issue may be merely dental.

#4 – Suspicious Sweet Breath

4-Suspicious Sweet Breath© Putney Dental Care

Having a sweet or fruit-like breath smell does not mean you are perfectly okay. On the contrary, several medical studies revealed that a sweet breath reflects your infection with diabetes.

Based on the reports of the American Heart Association, abiding by a protein diet results in low production of insulin in your system. Your body becomes obliged to resort to its fat stores to burn energy.

In the course of this fat-burning process, specific chemicals called ketones are released. You must have heard of the keto diet that many people seem to be on. Anyway, a fruity breath smell is an indicator of high levels of ketones in the body.

When this is confirmed, you could be in great danger because it means that further serious complications are on the way. The best thing you can and have to do is calling your doctor and getting a check-up.

See now that a healthy lifestyle is not just a matter of diet programs that work miracles or those which don’t. It is about the amount of care you dedicate to your body. Always be attentive to the minor changes your body experiences.


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