
The 15 Unexpected Things That Can Cause Cancer

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

In fact, green tea is one of your shields, protecting you from stomach, breast, and prostate cancers. But if you don’t let your drink cool off before drinking it, you are going to turn it into a poison instead of panacea.

Based on a study published lately by the International Journal of Cancer, the chances of getting esophagus cancer are increased as a result of drinking extremely hot tea. The argument, presented and confirmed by other studies, is that the esophageal lining is damaged over time because of tea heat.

3. Sitting still

3-Sitting still© Healthline

This might sound weird, yet it is true: sitting a lot can cause cancer. That is why doctors recommend regular exercising and working out to keep your body shielded from all sorts of diseases and cancers.

The risk of the latter is increased when adopting a sedentary lifestyle. This is the outcome of modern living which has made people lazier to perform any of their activities.

Studies unveil that sitting without doing anything at all for 6 hours or more contribute to 19% of deaths. You do not have to go running every morning; you can take short walks with your pet for an hour or two every evening and morning. If you are retired, engage in a club, involving physical activities like dancing or something.

4. Eating processed foods

4-Eating processed foods© The Takeout

Processed foods are cancerous foods par excellence. Vegetable or fruit processing or the processing of any other food is, in fact, a poisoning of the food itself.

We know that you cannot resist those organic cold cuts in a cheesy sandwich, but these are actually manufactured toxins, killing you slowly. Such processed foods are created to just stimulate your taste buds, which means that they contain no nutritional value.

The BMJ released a study done in France, unveiling the link between ultra-processed foods and an arrange of other chronic diseases, namely coronary heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer more importantly.

Of course, this could be considered as the primary research; therefore, more digging for the truth must be done. However, it is preferable to remain distant from anything suspicious or dangerous.


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