
How to Protect Your Health when Sitting at Work

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

The healthy position for your shoulders and forearms is when your elbow is placed at the same level as the mouse and keyboard.

You should also keep your wrists straight and your hands comfortably lying on the table.

4. Neck Pain

Neck Pain© edenlifenigeria

To prevent neck and head pain, you need to correctly position your monitor because when it’s too low, you have to either slide down the chair or bend your back.

This puts more pressure on the front edges of your intervertebral discs (the shock absorbers found between every one of the vertebrae in the spinal column) and can result in protrusion or a hernia.

You should stay relaxed while sitting and make sure that the monitor is both at your eye level and right in front of you.

5. Tired and Sore Eyes

Tired and Sore Eyes©

Working on the computer for a long time may result in redness, dryness, and blurred vision, which will eventually cause irritation and headache.

First, you should keep the monitor a little bit distant from your face and make sure it’s always positioned at eye level. Then, regulate the contrast, brightness, and font size. If the computer is placed near a window, close the curtains or change its location.

You should also consider wearing special glasses which will protect your eyesight and make your eyes get less tired.

Some eye exercises can also be helpful. For example, you can look away from your screen once every hour for about 1 minute.

6. Rapid Fatigue

Rapid Fatigue get stretched©

A sedentary lifestyle along with fatty yummy snacks will make it easier for cholesterol to gather in your vessels’ inner walls, as the veins get stretched and the valves become unable to keep up with their function.

This leads to high blood pressure, legs’ swelling, fatigue of feet and legs, and pains.


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