
Here Are The Foods That Are Ruining Your Skin

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


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#3 – Fried foods

Fried foods© Pinterest

There are many reasons why we have to stay away from fried foods because they really don’t do any good to our health, and let’s not forget the old wives’ tale about getting pimples and zits from touching our faces with greasy fingers. After all, consuming too many high-fat foods can promote skin puffiness that no one really likes!


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#4 – Alcohol

Alcohol© Pinterest

Alcohol might be one of the main reasons why we survive our long work days, but the effect of it on our bodies and skin may not be worth it. The alcoholic beverages can suck the moisture out of our skin and give us a washed-out look.

However, you don’t have to cut off booze completely, just drink in moderation and take a few extra cups of water.


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#5 – White rice

White rice© pixabay

White rice is like white bread; it is very high on the glycemic index. First, it is not healthy unless you are eating with a higher-protein food like beans, chicken or peanut butter. Plus, it is almost impossible to digest.


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#6 – Candy

Candy© Pinterest

There is a very obvious reason why we always stop ourselves from eating candy, but now you will have one more reason to stay away from it a lot further: The processed sugar doesn’t do well to our skin at all. Instead, it promotes inflammation and damages it horribly. Shall we say goodbye to candy forever?


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#7 – Coffee

Coffee© pixabay

Yes, you will still not cut it off regardless of what we say, we understand. But drinking too much coffee every day will open the doors to many skin issues. The caffeine dehydrates our skin and promotes the appearance of the fine lines. Plus, it may affect your sleep and cause insomnia, which will also affect your skin dramatically.


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