
Here Are 8 Simple Yet Effective Natural Ways To Quit Smoking

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


#3 – Behavioral Therapy Might Be Effective


Behavioral Therapy Might Be Effective© Pinterest

If you have never tried the behavioral therapy before, then, we strongly recommend it for you. This therapy is purely psychological and it can be done individually or in groups depending on what you actually prefer.

According to a study, researchers reveal that the reason why most smokers fail to quit smoking is that the majority of them depend on nicotine and view it as a tension reliever.

And here comes the role of this therapy which tries to provide smokers with all the behavioral support they need along with a combination of nicotine replacement therapy and non-nicotine medication. The latter combination was proved to do wonders and achieve some great result in the long term.

Behavioral therapy can be also conducted via phone or email, which is really good especially in those cases when smokers refuse or are too busy to attend face to face therapy sessions.


#4 – Cut back on alcohol and coffee


Cut back on alcohol and coffee© Great Lakes Ledger

This is definitely a very hard decision to make, especially that all smokers enjoy their cigarettes more when drinking coffee or alcohol. However, the NSW Government strongly insist on avoiding the consumption of such beverages, especially during the first months. Caffeine and alcohol can only make the process even harder than it is.

The former can lead to a significant increase in anxiety levels and might even make you feel more nervous and restless, which will in return make you feel like smoking. The latter, say, alcohol will cause your brain muscles to relax and make you forget completely why you have even decided to quit.


#5 – Distract Yourself When You Feel Like Smoking


Distract Yourself When You Feel Like Smoking© Betrail

When you decide to quit smoking, be ready to face many difficulties, temptations, and seductions that will make it very hard for you to hold on. However, one smart way to resist all that is by distracting yourself whenever you feel like smoking a cigarette. How can you do that? Well, it’s easy, be more active! Yes, you read it right.


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