
9 Unexpectedly Surprising Things You Could Be Allergic To!

Last Updated on December 28, 2020

Currently, there is no treatment available to treat this condition permanently. Patients must avoid water and take antihistamines to reduce allergy symptoms. Fortunately, this is an external skin allergy that doesn’t manifest itself when patients drink water.

8. Tattoos

Over the past few decades, tattoos have established themselves as part of our culture. And tattoo allergies became common. These are usually caused by pigments, dyes, or metallic substances contained in the inks used. Since tattoo ink is not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, you need to make sure you’re getting your tattoo from a reputable artist that works on a facility that strictly complies with the most rigorous hygiene and safety standards. You can also ask to only get a tiny mark tattooed on your first session to see how your skin reacts to the ink. In some cases, it might not be easy to know if you have an allergy or an infection – the latter usually last much longer, and the symptoms extend beyond the tattooed area.

9. Books

Yes, people can be allergic to books and not in a metaphorical way. This is because books can keep known allergens such as dust, dust mites, mold, and animal dander for a very long time. Common signs you have an allergy include a stuffed nose, headaches, hives, rashes, or even breathing difficulties.