
9 Unexpectedly Surprising Things You Could Be Allergic To!

Last Updated on December 28, 2020


4. Cosmetic Products

Developing skincare products involves a series of extensive testing to make sure the product is safe for mass use. However, given the number of chemicals present in these products, it is extremely common for people to experience allergic reactions.

That’s why most manufacturers recommend applying a very small portion of a new cosmetic product to the same area of your skin before start using it normally. If you don’t have a rash by the end of the third day, you are probably going to be safe.


5. Wool Allergy

You don’t need to be allergic to wool to find this material very itchy. Many people do. However, it can trigger an allergic reaction – it’s not just a discomfort caused by wool sensitivity. In the vast majority of the cases, lanolin is the ingredient responsible for this allergy. Lanolin is a substance that is often used in beauty products.

Wool allergy symptoms include itchy skins, rashes, irritated eyes, runny nose, and cough. Like most allergic reactions, it can lead to complications such as sinusitis, asthma attacks, and ear and lung infections.


6. Red Meat

This food allergy was recently discovered, and researchers called it the Alpha-gal syndrome. Alpha-gal is a specific carbohydrate found in many mammals cells – including cows, sheep, and pigs.

When humans are bitten by a lone star tick or the paralysis tick, the body develops antibodies that react to alpha-gal as a defense mechanism. So, the alpha-gal carbohydrates present in meat will trigger the immune system to react to it as if it were a dangerous threat to your organism.

Like most food allergies, symptoms include severe itching, hives, stomach problems, and potentially anaphylaxis. These symptoms occur 3 to 8 hours after the consumption of red meat.


7. Water

Can you imagine being allergic to water? What a nightmare! But some people are. This rare condition is known as aquagenic urticaria. It occurs when a person develops hives (that may or may not cause an itching sensation) on the skin after being in contact with water – any kind of water and regardless of temperature.


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