
9 Unexpectedly Surprising Things You Could Be Allergic To!

Last Updated on December 28, 2020

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about allergies? Probably seasonal (mainly pollen), food, and pet allergies. All these three types of allergies are incredibly common and annoying. But the truth is that almost anything can trigger an allergic reaction of some kind.

In this article, we will tell you about 9 weird allergies. Some are very rare, and others are way more common than you might think!


1. Smartphones

Smartphone manufacturers use a series of components to build their products. Nickel and chromium are among them. Both these metals are known allergens, and, according to research, the amount released from smartphones is enough to induce acute contact dermatitis.

People with nickel allergy develop itchy rashes on their hands, cheeks, and ears – the three areas of the body where the smartphone is mostly in contact with.

It is worth mentioning that people with metal allergies will be sensitive to these items for the rest of their lives. In this specific case, you can overcome this problem simply by using a protective case made from another material.


2. Computer Mouse

There are countless jobs and hobbies that require users to be constantly grabbing a computer mouse. This prolonged exposure may cause an allergic reaction characterized by a dry red scaling rash or a thickened and pigmented rash in the area of the hand that is in touch with the mouse – often the base of the palm and fingertips.

Known computer mouse allergens include phthalate components (used to improve flexibility) and resorcinol monobenzoate (ultraviolet absorber used to protect the plastics from solar damage).


3. Laundry Detergent And Dryer Sheets

The list of chemicals present in laundry detergents is very, very long. Some of them can cause red, itchy rashes in many people.

Change your laundry detergent (or fabric softener) as soon as you suspect you might be allergic to it. Pick one without an added scent or dyes, as these two components usually contain known allergen ingredients. Using dryer sheets in your laundry routine may also trigger a similar allergic reaction.


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