
9 Unexpected Things That Damage Your Youth And Beauty

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Also, did you know that double chins come from typing a text message on your phone with your neck bent downward?

The solution is to try your best to minimize the hours you spend in front of a smartphone or a computer. If it is impossible, you could install a special anti-blue light screen protector, or use protective creams that are called HEV creams.



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There is an old theory claims that bras protect our

from gravity and keep them perky, but there is no scientific proof to this theory. In fact, the only thing that was proven is that bras make chest muscles weak. Plus, women breasts fight against gravity themselves which make them stronger and firmer.

Women with big breasts are the only ones who can wear a bra in order to feel comfortable. The only solution to this issue is to avoid wearing them as much as possible. Just let the ladies be free and you will not regret it!


Air Conditioner

Air Conditioner1

© The Spruce

When you turn on your AC, the air cools down inside your house, but the water vapor quantity doesn’t increase, which means the air will become dry and your skin will be the first victim.

If you kept using it every day, your body and face will become sensitive, start to itch, and probably start to peel which gives you a one-way ticket to wrinkles and dull skin.

The solution is to minimize the use of it as much as needed, or you can replace it with air humidifiers. Also, buy more moisturizing creams and keep a thermal water spray in your purse every day.

Open Windows

Open Windows

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It didn’t come as a surprise when scientists found out that air pollution is directly linked to premature aging. But big industrial facilities are not the only source for air pollution: Living in a big city, a neighbor who smokes, near highways, and many other facts are also reasons for air pollution, which translates into a damaged skin.


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