
9 Surprising Things that Can Make You Fail a Drug Test

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

9 Surprising Things that Can Make You Fail a Drug Test© Imgur

When you are on the lookout for a new temporary job, you might find yourself peeing in a cup. But what if you tested positive even though you haven’t used any drugs? If you think this just can’t happen, think again because it may even happen to you!

There are numerous foods and other everyday products that are often mistaken for illegal drugs during a test. It’s really frustrating to have a false positive on a drug test while you know that the result is wrong but you can’t really prove it. So it’s important to learn about the things that can cause false positives to avoid losing job opportunities.

Check out these 9 everyday things through the next pages and avoid having to defend yourself to an HR person who thinks
you’re a drug addict

Cold Remedies

Cold Remedies

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The vast majority of over-the-counter medications for cold and flu may make you fail a drug test. The ingredient that’s responsible for this is a synthetic amphetamine called pseudoephedrine, which can be used to make meth (in large quantities of course).

Therefore, treating your cold can get you a false positive for amphetamines. According to the American Psychiatric Association, over-the-counter cold medications can result in a false positive on drug tests.

Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds

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Consuming hemp seeds or hemp seed milk or oil on a regular basis can result in testing positive for THC, even if you don’t eat them in large amounts. Hemp seeds contain microscopic traces of THC, meaning that drug tests won’t tell whether you are a hemp seed eater or marijuana user.

Moreover, you will test positive for up to one month after you stop eating hemp seeds since THC is stored in body fat. If you hemps seeds are part of your diet, try to cut them off and switch to almond milk and almonds until you get the job.




© Verywell


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