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9 Foods that Will Make You Die Sooner

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

We all want to enjoy happy, healthy, long lives, but to do so we need to pay close attention to what we feed our bodies every day. Food matters and can have a greater impact on your overall health than you may think.

A healthy eating mostly means opting for organic, whole, and unprocessed food, but there are specific things that may be damaging your health and shortening your life.

According to experts, here are the 9 foods you should avoid to boost your chances of enjoying a healthy, long life


#1 – Processed Meats

Processed Meats Femina

Processed meats are one of the top foods that are wrecking your health. This type of meats are smoked, cured, or pumped, and are loaded with sodium or different preservatives to extend their shelf life (and shorten yours!) The most popular processed meats include salami, hot dogs, sausage, and bacon.

The nutritionist Jennifer Clemente urges that excessive consumption of such foods alters the microbiome composition in the gut, which can result in chronic inflammatory conditions. Moreover, the World Health Organization has classified these harmful processed meats as carcinogenic.

For all of you who love bacon so much, remember that following your cravings isn’t worth the potential health problems.

#2 – Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial Sweeteners Apple and Fiddle

You may already realize the importance of limiting your daily sugar intake, but the one mistake many people make is that they switch to artificially sweetened foods or drinks as a healthier alternative.

Dr. Scott Schreiber, who is a chiropractic physician, says that artificial sweeteners have been associated with liver issues, neurological decline, diabetes, and more, adding that these harmful chemicals trick your body into assuming it’s consuming calories and when it finally realizes it’s all lies, it stimulates sugar cravings, leading to more health problems.

Moreover, many of the most common chronic conditions like cancer, obesity, and inflammation are associated with imbalances due to consumption of artificial sweeteners.

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#3 – Dairy Products

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Dairy Products

It turned out that we should all limit consumption of dairy products. Why? They consist of antibiotic residues, hormones, sugars, and saturated fat that are far from being healthy.
Dr. Schreiber explains that these things irritate your digestive system and promote weight gain, acne, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even cancer.

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However, it should be noted that dairy’s nutritional benefit or/and harm is still scientifically unclear, especially that there are also other studies claiming that dairy can actually help prevent cancer. With this in mind, you can simply do whatever feels right.

#4 – Soda

Soda pixabay

The whole universe agrees that consuming sugary drinks is definitely not linked to the healthy, long life we aspire. Yet, millions of people still have coke as a crucial part of their diet.

In fact, when you drink soda, you’re drinking nothing but a harmful mixture of chemicals and simple sugar. This causes a rapid blood sugar spike. The real danger, however, is when you regularly gulp up coke because you’ll likely end up with diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance.

What’s more, soda consumption is associated with obesity and a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, gout, and dementia. Just stick to water to quench your thirst or switch to tea or coffee if you want the caffeine.

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#5 – Fried Foods

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Fried Foods

We all know that fried foods (corn dogs, onion rings, French fries, etc) are unhealthy, we just don’t like to admit it though. But seriously, these foods are rich in saturated and trans fats and do much more harm to your body than good.

The next time you’re craving your favorite fried food, resist the urge to hit up the nearest drive-thru and make your own homemade chicken nuggets or French fries.

#6 – Sodium-rich Foods

Sodium-rich Foods The Plate

Sometimes, your budget is the one that chooses what to eat, which is mostly packaged dinners, boxed rice, ramen noodles, or other inexpensive and convenient meals.

But experts highlight that such foods contain high sodium levels and low nutritional value, and regular consumption can result in heart failure, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure.

Whenever you can, opt for items that are low in sodium and avoid consuming more than the recommended daily intake.

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#7 – Trans Fats

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Trans Fats Mess for Less

Although our bodies need fat to keep functioning properly, trans fats can only cause damage. What are trans fats? They’re simply vegetable oils with added hydrogen molecules, turning them from a liquid into solid material. This was probably one of the greatest inventions for manufacturers since it results in a longer shelf life.

One good example is Twinkies that probably last more than me and you. The downside to this is that our bodies find it very difficult to break down this type of fats so it just sticks to the fat tissues, preventing us from using other healthy fats and proteins.

Foods with trans fats include margarine, frozen microwavable foods, fried foods, cakes, and biscuits… which are linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart disease.
Read the labels before purchasing any product.

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#8 – HFCS

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High Fructose Corn Syrup has been at the center of debate for quite a while now. Manufacturers find it cheap and easy, thus frequently add it to sodas and processed foods, yet, the human body finds it quite destructive.

The dangerous part of this artificial sweetener is that it messes with our hormones of satiation and hunger. Unlike sugar, fructose doesn’t block the hunger hormone and fools your body into stopping the satiety hormone instead. So even though you’ve just eaten, you’ll still starve.

This is only fortunate for food companies that obviously don’t care about our health or waistline. But the choice is up to us after all.

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#9 – Low-Fat Alternatives

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Low-Fat Alternatives VietNamMoi

You may think that a good alternative to saturated and trans fats would be the lower fat foods, but it’s actually not. Doesn’t make sense to you? Let me explain. Fats are a crucial part of a balanced, healthy eating, but when the fat is taken out to form low-fat items, the gap will need to be filled. Thus, they add in trans fats, flavor enhancers, artificial sweeteners, or sugar.

These additions only make the food product far less healthy than its original form. Moreover, research revealed that those who choose low-fat items can eat up to 50% more than they used to before opting for these products. It’s best to opt for real healthy fatty foods, such as avocado, fish, seeds, and nuts.

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