
8 Things You Do that Will Damage Your Health

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Things You Do that Will Damage Your Health©

Quitting a habit overnight can be extremely difficult, especially when you don’t know that it’s damaging your health. The things we’re used to aren’t necessarily as simple as they may seem, some of them are harmful, while others might be very dangerous.

Fortunately, making some simple changes can make a big difference in your ability to live a healthy lifestyle, but first, you need to these health-damaging habits that you probably do every day.

Check out these 8 worst habits that you should never do again

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1. Preventing Yourself from Sneezing

Preventing Yourself from Sneezing©

When you close your mouth and pinch your nose trying to prevent a sneeze, the level of your intracranial pressure rises immensely. Thus, the blood flow to your brain is disrupted and both your nervous tissues and blood vessels are compressed.

This entire process can result in many health issues, such as headaches, damaged vessels, or even hearing problems. You should never stop yourself from sneezing.

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Using Perfume© What Do

2. Using Perfume

To make perfume, manufacturers often use synthetic substances because they produce more powerful scents and are less expensive than natural oils. The problem is that these substances can cause drowsiness, dizziness, and nausea.

Moreover, they can irritate your skin, throat, and eyes. To prevent health problems, you should replace perfumes with essential oils or only apply them when you are in a well-ventilated room.

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Using Your Smartphone before Going to Bed© Fitlife.TV // Medium

3. Using Your Smartphone before Going to Bed

Your phone’s light at night restrains the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating wakefulness and sleep. In fact, in accordance with the top health articles, low levels of melatonin can lead to obesity, heart diseases, depression, fragile immune system, and cancer.

So, choosing to go to bed early without using your phone in the dark at least 1 hour before you sleep would be a wise choice for health promotion benefits.


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