
8 Healthy Habits For A Happy, Long, And Healthy Life

Last Updated on May 26, 2020

On an ideal level, we all aspire to live a long and happy life, full of personal and professional successes, and without any significant health problems along the way.

However, it is interesting to note that most of us end up neglecting our long-term health for the sake of convenience and immediate pleasure. We eat junk food because it is cheap, fast, and tasty.

We also choose not to go to the gym because we are feeling lazy. We stay up late to binge-watch TV series. These are just some examples.

Being healthy takes hard work. You should know that. But once you implement a series of healthy routines, everything becomes more manageable. Both your body and mind get used to it. You need a great deal of willpower until these healthy habits become actual routines.

Here are some of the most important health habits you should adopt!

1. Regular Workout

Physical activity is essential for our health and has a significant impact on our longevity. In addition to keeping us fit, exercising prevent many serious health complications such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The latter diseases can have a devastating impact on our quality of life or even be fatal (heart disease is the leading cause of death in most developed countries).

Besides, you don’t even have to exercise every day. According to the World Health Organization, 30 minutes of moderate exercise 5 times per week is enough. It’s not much to ask, is it? And please don’t say that your life is too busy and you don’t have the time.

2. A Healthy, Balanced Diet

There’s a reason why regular exercise and a healthy diet are number one and number two on this list. These are probably the most important health habits you should always follow.

First of all, never skip breakfast. This meal is extremely important to ensure that you start the day with the proper energy levels. Avoid sugary drinks and snacks, and other foods that contain artificial sweeteners. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consume things that are considered unhealthy. You have to do it in a very moderate manner and spaced out over time. Don’t make it a habit.

Planning all your meals is a great technique to ensure that you follow a healthy and balanced diet. By doing so, you won’t eat out as much, nor will you eat an unhealthy and easy-to-prepare meal just because you don’t have anything else to cook at home.

Additional Tips: it would probably be a good idea to ask a nutritionist to help you build a weekly meal plan. Also, it is very important to stay hydrated – so make sure you are drinking the daily recommended amount of water.

3. Wash Hands Frequently

Hand wash is the easiest way to prevent most bacterial and viral infections, such as the common flu, for example. Your immune system will thank you every time you do it.

You should do it when you go to the bathroom, before eating, after touching surfaces such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, and handrails, and when preparing food. This simple personal hygiene gesture can keep harmful germs away from your organism.

You should also refrain from touching your face. If you can’t wash your hands frequently, you should carry around a small bottle of hand sanitizer in your handbag or backpack.
Remember that to be effective, the handwashing process must at least last twenty seconds!

4. Use Sunscreen Daily

Every morning before leaving your house, you should apply sunscreen on your face and arms to protect your skin against UV radiation. Not only will it keep your skin shiny and healthy as you age, but it will also help prevent more serious injuries and illnesses such as skin cancer. If possible, avoid being exposed to direct sunlight during peak hours.

5. Be A Defensive Driver To Avoid Car Accidents

This might sound like a weird habit to mention, but the truth is that 1.35 million people die each year as a result of road accidents. More than 70% of deaths occur among young males (under 25).

These statistics are scary. If you want to live a long life, you probably should drive as carefully as you possibly can. Keep yourself safe on the road.

6. Always Finish Off Your Antibiotic Medicines

This is a more common mistake than you might think. When your doctor prescribes antibiotics, you must always finish them off – unless, of course, the doctor tells you otherwise. Even if you already feel better after a couple of days.

If you stop taking your antibiotics before you are supposed to, the bacteria may not be entirely eliminated from your organism. This means that the infection might come back after some time. Moreover, there’s also the risk of creating antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

7. Get Regular Checkups

To stay healthy, it is important to make regular doctor visits to monitor your overall condition. When you become an adult, is advised to perform an annual check-up. From then on, your doctor will tell you exactly when you will have to worry about other tests.

Don’t be one of those people who takes pride in not needing to see a doctor for over two decades. Several health conditions are silent and take some time to develop before the first symptoms show up.

8. Get High-Quality Sleep

Don’t think that you can stay up late every night and wake up early without any consequences. Lack of sleep can have a huge negative impact on your mental and physical health. It increases your stress levels, makes you feel tired throughout the day, and increases your blood pressure.

You should always aim to sleep 7 to 8 hours every night. If you are having trouble falling asleep or if you find yourself frequently dealing with insomnias, don’t ignore the problem. Call your doctor and tell him all about it. To get a good night’s sleep is a healthy habit that you shouldn’t skip.


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