
7 Unsuspected Unhealthy Gut Symptoms You Should Know!

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

Billions of microorganisms gather to form the complex ecosystem that is your gut. And this complex system can sometimes experience some trouble, like the overgrowth of microbes that promote disease – and in that case, some weird stuff can happen besides the usual bloating, constipation and gas. We gathered a list of things that happen to your gut as a result of messed up microbiome along with a few tips on how to make things better.


#1 – You Will Turn Into A Beer Factory

This is number one because it’s the weirdest thing that can happen – you will be able to brew beer. Sounds like a dream, right? It isn’t. A patient reportedly became drunk from his own gut juices, and this happened due to a very rare gut condition, gut fermentation syndrome.

Endogenous gut microbiota starts fermenting carbohydrates transforming it into ethanol, causing the patients to get drunk without actually ingesting alcohol.

The patient had been taking antibiotics for a long time and this has been deemed as the reason for his gut problems. To treat this condition the man was told to avoid the worst foods for gut health, meaning a no-carb diet and a treatment with probiotics.

#2 – Bad Breath

Bad breath can happen for a myriad of reasons – from stinky foods, like garlic or to poor hygiene.

But at the same time that bacteria can linger on your tongue, there are other types of menacing microbes that can be found in your gut and that might give you bad breath.

That being said, any unpleasant mouth odor that you experience for no apparent reason should be checked out because it can be one of the signs of unhealthy gut.

#3 – You Are Craving Sugar

An imbalance in your gut flora can lead you to harbor a lot of harmful microbes that may be responsible for your sweet tooth. How does this happen, you ask?

Those microbes are dependent on the sugar you ingest to survive, and since they don’t want to die they will simulate a craving for sweets.

They are so sneaky that they can even make some foods seem tastier, according to a study.

It’s in cases like this that one can really notice the importance of gut health– because from this problem (that might not even seem like a problem at first) you can end up developing diabetes, cavities, among other sugar-related diseases.

#4 – You Are Having Trouble Sleeping

Yet another thing that doesn’t seem to be related, but your gut distress can be playing a role in your difficulty sleeping – but the real guilty factor is stress.

The microbiome is related to the circadian rhythms, therefore influencing the quality of your sleep. Stress is often considered one of the main causes of insomnia, and it can also mess up your gut microbes, leading to inflammation, thus messing up the circadian rhythms and messing up your sleep. Learning to control your stress might be an effective step on how to improve gut health naturally since a good night’s sleep has been observed to increase the levels of gut microbes that are good for you.

#5 – Your Mental Health Is Affected

There is an interaction between your nervous system and your microbiome and therefore whatever happens in your gut can affect what happens in your head.

Changes in your gut flora may affect the way you feel, steering your mood and actually having a great impact on anxiety and depression, some studies have shown.

Taking gut health supplements would be advised, this will be a preventive way to avoid worse outcomes and it will help balance out the microbes present in your gut.

#6 – Your Immune System Is Off

There is healthy bacteria present in your gut that helps keep your immune system sharp, protecting you from viruses and diseases in general. A lack of balance on your microbiome, however, can make your body more vulnerable to disease – gastrointestinal or not.

If it is a gastrointestinal disease you might experience bloating or digestion problems, which can improve by taking vitamins for gut healing. The bacteria present in your gut can play a good role in defending your organism against various diseases, and preliminary research has shown that there are even specific strains of gut bacteria that can help prevent heart diseases and also some types of cancer, according to a publication from Harvard.

#7 – Skin Problems

There are many signs of a healthy gut, but this one is actually a sign of healthy life in general – we are talking about your skin. Skin is an organ through which many problems can be detected, and glowing skin is usually a sign of glowing health.

Gut health and skin problems are related too, for the reason we mentioned – your skin will give you signs that something is not wrong, because skin and gut microbiome can communicate. The lack of balance on your gut bacteria can cause the body to activate a response, and that response will be an inflammation that can manifest through psoriasis, acne or eczema.

This is a rather complicated relationship, but the preliminary findings have shown that prebiotics and probiotics can be responsible for the improvement of skin conditions and make your intestinal flora more diverse.

How to treat your gut problems?
There are some steps you can take that can help you balance your gut bacteria:

-Do not take antibiotics all the time, as it kills good gut bacteria.

-If you do need to take antibiotics, consider supplying your body with good digestive system vitamins and minerals and find a probiotic supplement. This will boost your immune system while treating inflammation.

-Eat food that is good for you and try to vary – this will make the ecosystem in your gut more diverse. Fruits and vegetables have plant fiber, which has been proved to stimulate the reproduction of gut bacteria that is good for you.

-Try to add fermented foods to your diet, they are filled with probiotics (for example, yogurt and kefir).


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