
7 Things on Your Body That Tells You Should Go See Your Doctor

Last Updated on January 6, 2020

Our body has a specific way of communicating with us and we must have the ability to interpret what it has to tell us and to decipher the signals it sends us, such as when there are changes in color, shape, texture and in the composition of some parts of the body.

Always be aware of new changes in your body, as these can be synonymous with a dietary deficiency or, in some situations, something more serious – such as the onset of heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and even skin cancer, among other diseases. Know 7 things on your body that tells you should go see your doctor and if you have any of them make an appointment as soon as possible!

#1 – The Appearance of New Lesions or New Moles on the Skin…

The appearance of new skin lesions or moles usually happens when someone has been exposed to the sun for too long and this can be quite worrying. Firstly, it shows that the body is reacting badly to this phenomenon and then it can be an indicator of melanoma – the most dangerous skin cancer and one of the most aggressive malignant tumors.

…Or Changes to Existing Skin Lesions or Moles!

If there are changes to the existing lesions or moles, the reasons are exactly the same: bad reaction of the body to the sun or an indicator of melanoma. This scenario can be confirmed by following the ABCDE rule:

A: Asymmetry – Usually the shape of a mole is round and symmetrical; when there is a change in mole appearance it becomes asymmetrical.
B: Borders – The appearance of borders of a mole is regular and geometric; when they are affected they are uneven and with cut edges.
C: Color – A mole has a color; however the mole changing color (and may have several colors) is one of the most obvious signs of melanoma
D: Dimension – When the size of a mole is larger than 5 mm is a sign to be concerned.
E: Evolution – The way lesions and moles change over time.

There are melanomas that do not strictly follow the ABCDE rule and the doctor should be aware of this, such as the rapid swelling and expansion of the moles or the strengthening of its pigmentation, among other skin cancer symptoms. Be aware and visit your doctor quickly because early diagnosis can make all the difference.

#2 – The Existence of Any Kind of Lumps

Just as you should be aware of new moles and skin lesions, it is advisable to perform a regular self-palpation to detect lumps on your body.
Lumps can appear from nowhere and anywhere on the body, such as a lump in the throat, a lump in the armpit, a lump in the breast (especially in women) or even a lump in one leg, among other places.

Many of these can be boils, sebaceous cysts, inflammation of hair follicles or other dermatological changes. However, they can also indicate serious illnesses such as when you have a painful lump in the armpit.

#3 – Nails with Dark Vertical Lines…

The nails, like the skin, also have the function of alerting you about your health condition. They protect tissues but also reveal if you have any nutritional deficiencies or, in more severe cases, if you have cancer – such as when dark vertical lines appear on your nails.

There are other fingernails problems that may be signs of melanoma, such as dark skin around the nail, traces of blood and cracks in the nail. So always be vigilant and take good care of your nails.

…And With White Spots!

White spots on the nails (leukonychia) may be a reflection of accidental aggression on the hands or feet (such as when striking a heavy object without realizing it), which does not cause any concern.

On the other hand, they may be an indicator that you may have some kidney, liver or heart health problem, or that your body is deficient in vitamins and minerals (vitamin B12 or minerals such as calcium and zinc). In this case, you should be on high alert.

#4 – Teeth Stains

If you find that you have white spots on teeth and you know that this is not due to smoking, drinking coffee or drinking tea (these drinking habits even cause brown spots on teeth), you may be suffering from celiac disease.

People who consume gluten and this protein can be found in bread and other floury foods can suffer from stomach aches and have nutrient absorption problems – which is why there are more and more gluten-free products in supermarkets to help the diet of the people who suffer from this intolerance.

#5 – Dark Spots on the Neck

If you notice dark spots on your neck – and we are not referring to dirt on the skin or when the skin begins to lose its natural bronze in the warmer summer months – make an appointment with your doctor immediately.

This rash may be caused by certain medications, and underlying endochronic problems or, in some cases, something more complex – such as a sign of stomach, colon or liver cancer.

#6 – The Orange Peel Skin Effect

The holes in the skin that resemble an orange peel are quite unsightly (especially when they are on the face – anyone’s cover card) and can be caused by various health problems.

One of the most relevant is inflammatory breast cancer which causes redness and enlargement of the holes in the skin as if you suffer from some kind of allergy.

It should also be noted that this skin reaction is also very common in the arms and legs of people suffering from diabetes and you should be aware of all these signs.

#7 – “Magical” And Unexplained Bruises

When unexplained bruises appear by magic on your body, you should be aware of them.
It is natural for some bruises to appear on your body due to the natural loss of fat, because of the medication you are taking or even for lack of vitamins and low blood cell levels.

However, when there is no possible justification and your body gets excessive bruising you should be alarmed – unexplained bruising can be an early sign of leukemia.

The appearance of leukemia is explained by the loss of the blood’s ability to carry oxygen and this can lead to bruising for no apparent reason anywhere in the body.

These are some of the most important signals your body gives you when it is not working properly. Learn how to decipher them and always go to your doctor for a more detailed further analysis. Always keep in mind that the sooner you are diagnosed with a possible health problem, the more likely you are to treat and resolve it without causing any negative consequences.


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