
7 Risky Fake Foods You Need to Avoid

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


5- Sushi


fake sushi© nanakaze

Unfortunately, the yummy sushis are also being faked and that pinkish slice on the roll is less likely to be salmon.

Mostly, when you order sushi and rolls with a specific kind of fish, you get a cheaper alternative that can sometimes even be a colored variant.

To protect yourself from eating fake varieties and to benefit from real fish, you should order steaks instead.


6- Honey


fake Honey© realfarmacy

Fake honey is often made of various syrups in addition to high fructose contents.
The human imagination used into faking honey is limitless, and so are the techniques to spot it.

There are many ways to spot the fake varieties, such as the thumb, water, flame, and paper tests.
For example, by putting a small drop of honey on your thumb, the pure version will stay intact and will neither spread or spill.

Or you can try adding a tablespoon of honey into a glass of water, while the fake one will quickly dissolve around the glass, the pure one will rather settle at the bottom of the glass.

Also, by dipping a dry matchstick into pure honey and then light it up, you’ll notice that the flame will keep burning off the honey, if it didn’t, it’s fake (due to moisture impurities).
Natural honey doesn’t need to be stored in the fridge and will last almost forever.


7- Rice


fake rice© agroweb

This is probably the most dangerous of all fake foods.
Fake rice can be made from a weird combination of starch and plastic! The grains look like rice, smell like rice, and are even sprayed with a special flavoring to taste like rice.

You can spot fake rice due to its inability to sink in water and the way it burns like plastic. You should also pay attention to the manufacturer while shopping and make sure to choose only trusted and tested brands.


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