
6 Unexpected Things You Always Do That Damage Your Teeth

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

One of the best healthy teeth tips is not to cut off these products, but reduce the amount you consume every day!

2. Brushing too soon or wrong

2. Brushing too soon or wrong© Friendly Dental Group

Here are a few tips for healthy teeth and gums:

When you brush your teeth too hard, both your gums and teeth can be damaged and suffer from tooth sensitivity.

The correct way to brush your teeth: start from the gum, go up and down in circular movements, and up and down motions. Ensure that you have got all the spots that are hard to reach, and do it for 2 minutes!

Never brush your teeth right after eating because the foods we eat contain an acid that can weaken your enamel. When you brush it, the acid will be able to get deeper into your teeth.
When you rinse after brushing, the fluoride that protects your teeth will be washed out.

Change your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, or the bristles will be filled with bacteria and become less effective.

3. Opening things with your teeth

3. Opening things with your teeth© Instazu

If you always got your calcium intake regularly, then your teeth are probably strong enough to open up many items and rip things easily. But that’s not really something to be proud of because you will only be destroying your teeth.

Even if you have been doing for a long time, using your teeth as a tool to open up things will soon lead to a fracture or cause them to chip.

Why would you gamble on your beautiful smile only to open things that can be opened in many other safe ways? If you want to learn how to keep you healthy and strong, then this is one of the most important ones of them!

4. Bad habits

4. Bad habits© Correryfitness

There are many habits that can strongly ruin your teeth, but there are two common habits that the majority of people, and they are the cause of broken teeth every time!


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