
6 Hidden Signs Of Heart Diseases That You Have To Look Out For

Last Updated on January 7, 2021

#3 – Clubbed fingernails

Clubbed fingernails© The Sun

Clubbed fingernails are a known phenomenon that could be also a sign of something bad happening with the heart. It is when the fingernails become wider and thicker because there is more tissue production.

So basically, when the fingers are not receiving oxygenated blood properly, the cells start producing a “factor” that helps growth in order to repair the issue. However, those changes happen with no pain at all and they occur on both hands.


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#4 – The halo around the iris

The halo around the iris© Daily Express

Have you ever noticed a grey ring in the outside of the colored part of the eyes (the iris)? This sign is called arcus senilis, and it starts at the bottom and top of the iris until it creates a full ring around it. It doesn’t affect the vision.

According to research, the presence of this halo around the iris is linked with many risk factors for coronary heart disease.


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#5 – Loose teeth and rotten gums

Loose teeth and rotten gums© Cirocco Dental Center

Your oral health could be one of the main predictors of your cardiovascular health state. It is a known fact that our mouths are full of bacteria, both bad and good.

But the bad bacteria can easily get into our bloodstream causing a dangerous inflammation within the blood vessels, which also could lead to cardiovascular disease. In general, it is a must to take care of your oral hygiene before it is too late.


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#6 – Blue lips

Blue lips© Skin Care – LoveToKnow

The last heart disease indicator comes from the color of your lips. The normal color of lips is known, but when they start to become a little blue, then that person may be suffering from a heart problem due to the failure of the cardiovascular system that transfers the oxygenated blood to the tissues.


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