
5 Clear-Cut Signs That Your Diet Is Harming You

Last Updated on January 7, 2021


#3 – leg Cramps


3. leg Cramps© Verywell Fit

Constant or recurring leg cramps can be a warning sign through which your body is telling you that your diet is actually hurting you. This means that you have to pay more attention to your diet and include foods that are loaded with magnesium.

The latter is a very important mineral that helps activate enzymes that are responsible for serotonin production, which explains why you might be feeling depressed all the time.

Take a trip to your doctor and see if you have a magnesium deficiency and if this is your case, try to include foods enriched with this mineral in your everyday diet, including :

• Peas

• Pumpkin seeds

• Pine nuts


#2 – Loss Of Appetite, Fatigue, And Shortness Of Breath


2. Loss Of Appetite, Fatigue, And Shortness Of Breath© The Independent

It’s true that loss of appetite can occur due to several reasons including lack of sleep, but when it occurs along with other symptoms such as constant fatigue and shortness of breath, you should worry! This might indicate that you are suffering from an iron deficiency.

Still, the issue can be easily solved by daily consuming iron-rich supplements or even better, foods like :

• Beef Liver

• Kidney (beef, veal, or lamb)

• Soybeans

• Octopus


#1 – Bowel disorders


1.Bowel disorders©

Experiencing annoying and painful bowel issues? Well, you might need to have a look at your diet. Following an unhealthy diet can cause such issues and even affect your mood. So, whenever you experience the issue, try to monitor your zink intake and make sure you include more foods rich in zinc in your diet as this mineral is responsible for healthy digestion. Here are some healthy and zinc-rich foods to consider adding to your diet :

• Cheese

• Wheat germs

• Meat

• Seafood


It’s always a good idea to clean your body, especially your intestines from all the toxins and the best way to do it would be an-easy-to make detox drink. It is affordable and you can do it in no time! All you need is :


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